here are the problems we encountered with the turn tracker in our first game. Maybe it is feasible to implement some of the functionality :)
The main issues we had was the turn tracker. It simply did not work for us well. In fact it was close to be not useable. The suggestions below were not a big issue during small encounters, but during a big fight in a kind of cave, we had 4 PC and about 20 NPC on the map and on the turn tracker. Some NPC came in later and some had to vanish since they were dead.
- Make it visible somehow where a new turn starts.
- Make it possible to add new participants in the turn tracker and remove them on the fly. Currently there is no way to add or remove a token when the tracker is open. It is really important to add new tokens and remove them to handle a death or new arrivals well.
- There must be a kind of automatic reorder according the number a token has on the turn tracker. In small encounters it is not much trouble, but imagine the encounter I mentioned above...
- In some role playing games, someone can get "on hold" during a turn. This means, he can postpone his action to later. I would like to set a flag (or let the controling player do it) when he get's on hold, to have an overview on the turn tracker who has his action and who is still on hold.
here are the problems we encountered with the turn tracker in our first game. Maybe it is feasible to implement some of the functionality :)
The main issues we had was the turn tracker. It simply did not work for us well. In fact it was close to be not useable. The suggestions below were not a big issue during small encounters, but during a big fight in a kind of cave, we had 4 PC and about 20 NPC on the map and on the turn tracker. Some NPC came in later and some had to vanish since they were dead.
- Make it visible somehow where a new turn starts.
- Make it possible to add new participants in the turn tracker and remove them on the fly. Currently there is no way to add or remove a token when the tracker is open. It is really important to add new tokens and remove them to handle a death or new arrivals well.
- There must be a kind of automatic reorder according the number a token has on the turn tracker. In small encounters it is not much trouble, but imagine the encounter I mentioned above...
- In some role playing games, someone can get "on hold" during a turn. This means, he can postpone his action to later. I would like to set a flag (or let the controling player do it) when he get's on hold, to have an overview on the turn tracker who has his action and who is still on hold.