Lord Richard Grenvile, founder of the colony of Ashborne, brought with him a retinue of one hundred and five individuals in hopes of turning a profit off of the exotic trade goods from the new world thousands of miles from home. Things have not gone to plan for Lord Grenvile thus far. The would be colony has been fraught with famine, disease, and accidents from the very beginning.
Recently things went from bad to worse as a thick fog enveloped the colony and a strange dungeon appeared in the middle of a lake near the colony. A group of adventurers were sent in by the town elders and Lord Grenvile himself. Through doing so they lifted the curse on the colony.
Weeks have passed since the fated incident, and while the fog is gone things still are not going well for the colony. In the last few days villagers have been going missing. Disappearing from their homes. Lord Grenvile has tasked a group of adventurers with investigating the recent disappearances.
This is a continuation from a Thanksgiving one shot I ran last Saturday. The game would be tomorrow at 8 o'clock central standard time. It's a one shot, but in the same universe as a previous adventure. Do not worry though, knowledge of said adventure is unneccessary. I can teach the system as well.
System: Dungeon Crawl Classics