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[5e Shaped] 7.3.5+

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API Scripter
D&D 5e Shaped Character Sheet This is the redesigned Shaped character sheet for use on with the 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons (5e). The sheet is designed to be usable by all Roll20 users regardless of subscription level. If you are ever concerned about data loss I recommend you duplicate your campaign and use that to copy to see how it'll work. Shaped Character Sheet Companion Script Documentation Please report any bugs in the issues tab . Features High performance sheet without the lag of old versions (100% sheet workers) Improved styling to match the 5e paper sheet with nearly all elements clickable to output to chat Compendium Integration for Monsters, NPCs, Armor, Equipment, Spells, Weapons NPC actions and traits are parsed and clickable. Customizable skills with the option to change the ability on the fly Translations (All languages supported by Roll20) Auto populated Class Features which include things like Lay on Hands or Sneak Attack Spells with filtering and the option to cast at a higher level Customizable Classes - Change Name, HD, or spellcasting level of the classes Armor - Covers normal armor as well as unarmored ability cases like monk, barbarian, etc. Equipment with gold and weight automatically calculated. Equipment Items are clickable from the core page for items like Potion of Healing Attachers can be used to remind yourself to add to saving throws while within 10 feet of your paladin Extra features: Jack of all trades, halfling luck, vision, movement, appearance. Settings for how to output all rolls, death saves, initiative, etc Roll settings to choose to always roll with advantage, disadvantage, or query for both Optional bonuses to all skills, abilities, saving throws, etc. How to Update the sheet yourself (as Pro): Copy the html from github In Roll20 go to campaign settings and choose a custom character sheet. Choose D&D 5e as the SRD In the HTML tab paste the HTML code Copy the css from github On Roll20 in the CSS tab paste the CSS code. Copy the translation from the appropriate file on github (en is English, fr is French, de is German, it is Italian, etc) On Roll20 in the Translation tab paste the JSON from the appropriate file. Hit save. Contribute Since many have asked for it: If you appreciate what I do and want to compensate me for the countless hours that I have spent building this character sheet feel free to support me on Patreon or Paypal ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ). Thanks so much for your support. This Patreon campaign is not affiliated with Roll20; as such, contributions are voluntary and Roll20 cannot provide support or refunds for contributions.

Edited 1480108151
Sheet Author
API Scripter
7.3.5 (2016-11-25) Bug Fixes Attacks now correctly only update the row that was changed, not all rows. Attacks now correctly parse on the first run through for melee (Greatsword) and ranged (Longbow, Shortbow). The ability modifiers are included based on the type. Spells dragged from SRD were not correctly toggling the saving throw. I've fixed this and verified that attack, saving throw, damage, and heal correctly import from the SRD even after the above changes. This was a tricky one as many parts of the sheet use this same code (attacks, spells, traits, actions, reactions, legendary actions, etc, but I did some extra testing to make sure that attacks and spells work. Hopefully I caught all the cases.

Edited 1480115640
Robert D.
Sheet Author
I'm not sure if the problem with attack being marked happened when the sheet was installed on the campaign or when the character was first opened, but I just opened a character in 7.3.5 that I haven't opened since Storm King's Thunder came out and I redid it's token. It's multiattack&nbsp;had attack marked. Were those all marked even in the sheets I DIDN'T open? If not, something is still triggering. Ones I fixed before 7.3.5 stayed fixed in 7.3.5, though. Not sure if that's new info for you, or at what point the problem happens, but if your fix was supposed to stop it happening on sheets I hadn't opened yet, I thought you should be aware.

Edited 1480157310
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Is this happening with 7.3.5? Or did this previously happen on an earlier version? If it previously happened on an earlier version you'll either need to re-convert or fix it yourself. If it's happening on a creature freshly converted from OGL to 7.3.5 then please let me know which creature as a fresh Cloud Giant's Multiattack does not have the attack toggled for me.
Getting this error today. When I load everything in those squares are the shaped output, but as soon as I try to run any sheet output this happens to the entire chat log. Any ideas? My game is in 4 hours and this is preeeeetty crappy. No changes in months to the api and resetting the script api does not fix anything.

Edited 1480188502
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Looks like you didn't copy and paste the html and css correctly. Make sure you copy all lines. (See OP for the links and instructions)
Not sure how that is possible, given that it hasnt been touched and has been working for weeks before today.
Something similar happened to me a month or so ago. Was solved when I cleared the browser cache.&nbsp;
Clearing cache did not work, nor did trying a custom with copy and paste rather than the default shaped we have been using.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Send me an invite to the copy of the game please.

Edited 1480190103
KS Backer
I have seen something like that once before where no macros would output. I believe it's a roll20 issue that I fixed by clearing not cache but the chat log.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Vanakoji said: I have seen something like that once before where no macros would output. I believe it's a roll20 issue that I fixed by clearing not cache but the chat log. That can help as well.
Kryx, it's a creature that's been in my library forever, but I haven't opened since 6.x. I was asking if it would have been messed up despite not having been opened before 7.3.5. I didn't think the conversions happened until you actually opened the sheet. Not a huge deal, since I'm almost through fixing my entire library, but I thought I should report it.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Conversion does not happen until you open the sheet. Perhaps that guy was opened earlier somehow?
Shouldn't have been. I'll keep you posted as I open others.
Hey Kryx, first off just wanted to say thanks for the work you do on the sheet. I'm pretty new to D&D and Roll20 but it seems like Shaped is the way to go based on what I've seen. I am still a basic user and have been trying to familiarize myself more with the sheet so I can eventually run a game, and just had a quick question about an issue (or non-issue) I'm having with 6.5.1.&nbsp; When I drag/drop most things from the Compendium - weapons, equipment, armor, and most monsters - they work fine but with any Spellcasting NPCs their spells all default to unprepared, abjuration cantrips with no spell details. Is this an issue on my end or is this how the sheet is for everyone? I know there's an NPC and Spell Importer for Pro users, just wasn't sure if the normal drag/drop should be working or not.&nbsp; Thanks again for all your work!
Josh S. said: Hey Kryx, first off just wanted to say thanks for the work you do on the sheet. I'm pretty new to D&D and Roll20 but it seems like Shaped is the way to go based on what I've seen. I am still a basic user and have been trying to familiarize myself more with the sheet so I can eventually run a game, and just had a quick question about an issue (or non-issue) I'm having with 6.5.1.&nbsp; When I drag/drop most things from the Compendium - weapons, equipment, armor, and most monsters - they work fine but with any Spellcasting NPCs their spells all default to unprepared, abjuration cantrips with no spell details. Is this an issue on my end or is this how the sheet is for everyone? I know there's an NPC and Spell Importer for Pro users, just wasn't sure if the normal drag/drop should be working or not.&nbsp; Thanks again for all your work! The spellcasting NPCs in the compendium don't pass any spell information other than the name when they get dragged in, so the sheet sticks them in Cantrips so then you can work on them from there. If a spell is in the compendium, you can just drag it over the Cantrip entry to replace it. Non-compendium spells have to be added in manually unless you are a Pro member.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Spells purposefully default to unprepared. An example would be a wizard adding a spell to his spellbook, but the number of spells prepared not changing. The option to hide prepared all together for non-prepared classes comes in a 7.X.X version so maybe you'll want to use that. The school and level of a spell should be imported correctly. When I test on the currently live sheet (6.5.1) and drag in fireball it shows up as a 3rd level evocation on both the sheet and the chat output. I'm not sure why yours wouldn't. Normally I'd ask for an invite and try to fix it, but 7.3.X will go live next week so it's probably not necessary to understand what is happening in your specific game unless you can't make it work for now. I hope that'll work for you.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Liam said: The spellcasting NPCs in the compendium don't pass any spell information other than the name when they get dragged in, so the sheet sticks them in Cantrips so then you can work on them from there. If a spell is in the compendium, you can just drag it over the Cantrip entry to replace it. Non-compendium spells have to be added in manually unless you are a Pro member. Ah, that's what he means! Ya, spellcasting NPCs dragged from the SRD to the sheet just add the spell names which you then have to drag from the SRD, import, or add manually.
Kryx said: Liam said: The spellcasting NPCs in the compendium don't pass any spell information other than the name when they get dragged in, so the sheet sticks them in Cantrips so then you can work on them from there. If a spell is in the compendium, you can just drag it over the Cantrip entry to replace it. Non-compendium spells have to be added in manually unless you are a Pro member. Ah, that's what he means! Ya, spellcasting NPCs dragged from the SRD to the sheet just add the spell names which you then have to drag from the SRD, import, or add manually. Thanks for the reply (and thanks Liam as well!).&nbsp; I had a feeling that was the case but just wanted to make sure there wasn't something screwy with my game. .&nbsp;
Things are looking good and the documentation should only take a moment to update once this goes live.&nbsp; I did notice one small thing when running over some tests though, finesse and drag and drop parses to str instead for attack and damage.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
7.3.6 (2016-11-28) Bug Fixes Finesse parses from SRD weapons again Attack and damage bonuses from SRD weapons parse from finesse weapons (like dagger). Previously they only parsed from Melee or Ranged weapons.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
FYI this has been merged so expect it live within the next 24 hrs.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Testing 7.3.6 now... attack sheet workers don't seem to trigger at all? In particular, attack_formula and damage_formula are never calculated. This wasn't happening with 7.3.5, as far as I can see.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
7.3.7 (2016-11-29) Bug Fixes Attacks do not parse modifiers (+2 for example) unless modifiers are set. It parsing unset modifiers is what caused the rest of it to fail. I've PM'd roll20, though it may be too late. We'll see.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Thanks for the fast response (more for the non-pros than for me)! :)
\o/ that's me!
7.3.7 is live now. The only thing I noticed was the Attack checkbox for attack spells was unchecked. The feedback is not great on processing as it is ambiguous as to how fast the moving thing should move. I gauged completion using the responsiveness for the sheet and it either was done instantly or hung everything up for a couple seconds (the character with spells). I noticed the version number switch and then the processing dialog box show up. Does that mean if the sheet shows 7.3.7 it is finished processing?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The feedback is the best that can be done currently. Perhaps in the future it can be improved, but for now it is what it is. btw I won't be around for about 2 weeks to fix any bugs. That's why I emphasized testing the last week or two.
Confirmed 7.3.7 is live. I've judged the processing by does it studder, though I will usually give it several seconds to finish in anycase. Generally not an issue except with large spell lists.
FYI: It seems the update notice doesn't come up right away. I have had several spell caster sheets that have appeared to hang still showing v6.5.1 when doing the update. Eventually the update message appears and the sheet shows 7.3.7.&nbsp;
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Yup, I can't control how soon it appears. I tell roll20 to update a certain field, but that doesn't immediately happen due to how roll20 processes stuff. The notification is to inform users. It has no impact other than telling users to not close the sheet. It is not perfect, but it's better than no notification.
Random thing for a one off character that is past level 20 (i.e. has Epic Boons), the XP calculation is off I think. It should just 30k XP per "level" after 20, but it only jumps 20k between 20 and 21. No big deal as it's obviously not used often, just something worth mentioning.
No worries Kryx. I went through my players' sheets and updated for them. It actually went smoothly.
Kryx said: Yup, I can't control how soon it appears. I tell roll20 to update a certain field, but that doesn't immediately happen due to how roll20 processes stuff. The notification is to inform users. It has no impact other than telling users to not close the sheet. It is not perfect, but it's better than no notification. No Worries, just wanted to mention it for others. I don't recall it happening with prior updates, pre 7.3.7, but noticed it now. These sheets where going from live -&gt; live so 6.5.1 -&gt; 7.3.7, so that might be the difference. Otherwise haven't noticed problems. Will find out more tonight.

Edited 1480450779
Ok nevermind it just took a bit for the prepared options to populate
Did I read right that we broke the attack box on spells again? My players will not be happy about that. :(

Edited 1480451694
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Robert D. said: Did I read right that we broke the attack box on spells again? My players will not be happy about that. :( This is not the case for the creatures that were tested during the testing period and is not the case now as far as I can see. Attacks were upgraded in the earlier versions and worked all throughout testing.

Edited 1480451908
Making new attacks or changing existing ones doesn't work for me. Changing the fields doesn't actually update the attack. Spells are working fine though. Edit: After updating from 6.5.x to 7.3.7 on live to be more clear.
Athleon said: Making new attacks or changing existing ones doesn't work for me. Changing the fields doesn't actually update the attack. Spells are working fine though. New attacks don't update for me either, however dragging a weapon from the compendium and then editing that one seems to fix the issue for me (Sorry this has cropped up now Kryx, I wasn't free to test the sheet recently, will make sure to try more often when I can going forward)

Edited 1480452297
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Ok, I have about 2 hours before I have to be all packed. If you are experiencing any issues please provide a detailed post. I need a reproduction path.
Liam said: Athleon said: Making new attacks or changing existing ones doesn't work for me. Changing the fields doesn't actually update the attack. Spells are working fine though. New attacks don't update for me either, however dragging a weapon from the compendium and then editing that one seems to fix the issue for me (Sorry this has cropped up now Kryx, I wasn't free to test the sheet recently, will make sure to try more often when I can going forward) Huh it actually worked that way, thanks. Strange bug.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
7.3.8 (2016-11-29) Bug Fixes Attacks without some fields (properties, parsed) will no longer cause javascript errors which prevents the rest of the script from running. If you have any further issues please let me know asap.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Ok, I'm unplugging everything. I hope nothing major is wrong. If roll20 doesn't push 7.3.8 then just drag a weapon from the SRD when creating a new weapon.

Edited 1480457846
Why was the equipment tab removed from your sheets? One of the best reasons to use this sheet over the OGL mess was the flexibility of adding in depth information on an item that could easily be access without having to edit the page. Now the entire tab is gone for equipment and you can only access it from the core page. Also, in a different game, all of my custom spells from my homebrew class are missing and no combination of filter selections will recover them as far as I can tell.&nbsp; I have a game tonight that will be using this info and it looks like we will be having significant issue because of this forced update. EDIT: So, custom classes have to conform directly with an known spell-casting format and have that format show up on the main page if you want your spells to show up. you just have to deal with having spell slot or warlock slot show on your main page even if you do not wan or have to use them. Still doesn't explain why the equipment tab had to be removed completely.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Everything in equipment is accessible via the core page. The UI and user experience match what has been there for attacks since very early in this sheet. All spells should've been converted over. Without knowing how your custom class is setup I'd recommend trying the "all" button on the level filter. Perhaps you don't have spellcasting set on the custom class? "Forced upgrade": this is roll20s model of sheet distribution. That's true for OGL, Pathfinder, Shaped, etc. New versions will always come. With testing the publicly released version should always be stable, but the certainty of that is the number of people that he'll test strange scenarios during the beta period. As long as you didn't close the sheet while it was upgrading the spells should be there.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
ThatGuyThrast said: EDIT: So, custom classes have to conform directly with an known spell-casting format and have that format show up on the main page if you want your spells to show up. you just have to deal with having spell slot or warlock slot show on your main page even if you do not wan or have to use them. They don't have to. Check "all" in the level filter and edit the bonuses for slots or max slots as you please. This behavior has not changed besides some of the toggle placements. It has always been the case that if you do not use a normal version of spellcasting that you'll need to manually setup slots.
Kryx said: ThatGuyThrast said: EDIT: So, custom classes have to conform directly with an known spell-casting format and have that format show up on the main page if you want your spells to show up. you just have to deal with having spell slot or warlock slot show on your main page even if you do not wan or have to use them. They don't have to. Check "all" in the level filter and edit the bonuses for slots or max slots as you please. This behavior has not changed besides some of the toggle placements. It has always been the case that if you do not use a normal version of spellcasting that you'll need to manually setup slots. Correct, but where there was previously a custom selection, now there are only the predefined spell casting classes (including 3 psionics) and the choice on no spell casting at all. I am unable to find the ability to create custom spell slots for classes. I admit that maybe I am missing an obvious toggle or option, but I have been looking for it since you pushed this update and all I have found was frustration. Also: as I have toggled different spell casting classes in an effort to find one that suits my home brew (that worked perfectly before), I have noticed that my sheet now includes all of the spell casting slots for each of classes on the main page. For example: my character has warlock slots indicated on the core page as well as a full compliment of spell slots for a full caster. This is further exacerbated by the fact that the sheet is set to have no spell casting class at all. Any comment on the reasoning behind the removal of the equipment tab?

Edited 1480459373
ThatGuyThrast said: Correct, but where there was previously a custom selection, now there are only the predefined spell casting classes (including 3 psionics) and the choice on no spell casting at all. I am unable to find the ability to create custom spell slots for classes. I admit that maybe I am missing an obvious toggle or option, but I have been looking for it since you pushed this update and all I have found was frustration. Also: as I have toggled different spell casting classes in an effort to find one that suits my home brew (that worked perfectly before), I have noticed that my sheet now includes all of the spell casting slots for each of classes on the main page. For example: my character has warlock slots indicated on the core page as well as a full compliment of spell slots for a full caster. This is further exacerbated by the fact that the sheet is set to have no spell casting class at all. Any comment on the reasoning behind the removal of the equipment tab? Regarding equipment, that change was made over a month and a half back, so for one it's not something that Kryx can easily change back (he is also moving countries at the moment and will be mostly unavailable for the next two weeks). Also, with the quick use feature you can make the equipment list display shorter anyway. As to why, the main issue with duplication of anything on the Shaped sheet is that it can become too data intensive, the less fields, the faster the sheet responds and works during games. Having equipment on the Core page is closer in look to the official Wizards character sheet, which Shaped tries to replicate in design, so having it there rather than in a separate tab is closer to Kryx's original goal to make the sheet as close to the official paper sheet as possible (at least that's how I've always viewed it).

Edited 1480459691
KS Backer
I am not sure what you are missing with spells but once you add a custom class, with nothing else selected, hit all on the level filters and add numbers in on the yellow plus fields for customs amount of slots for the spells as seen below. If nothing shows up, you may have to toggle spells on core if not already or the spells tab. For the equipment, is the above post Everything in equipment is accessible via the core page. The UI and user experience match what has been there for attacks since very early in this sheet. As well as this was a change that has been known about and made to the beta sheets for testing and discussion for some time perhaps even a month or more and was discussed in the threads for the sheet at that time.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
ThatGuyThrast said: Correct, but where there was previously a custom selection, now there are only the predefined spell casting classes (including 3 psionics) and the choice on no spell casting at all. I am unable to find the ability to create custom spell slots for classes. I admit that maybe I am missing an obvious toggle or option, but I have been looking for it since you pushed this update and all I have found was frustration. Perhaps there is some miscommunication, but the sheet has previously provided the following options for spellcasting: None Third Half Full Warlock Those options have remained and some psionic homebrew options have been added. No custom progression selection has been removed. As I mentioned above and vanakoji took a screenshot of you've always needed to setup custom spell progression like that. Custom spell slots? As in a custom level? That was changed in version 5.0.0 when all spells were converted to translations. If you have some level that is not a normal level then it's possible that I could add it, but it depends. If you remove a spellcasting class from the list of classes it's slots should go away if they don't please provide a reproduction path from a new sheet and I will debug it when I have a computer again (about a week or two). Equipment was explained above as well as by Liam who outlined the process and the previous discussions perfectly. If you wish to be involved in further development of the sheet then you'll have to voice your opinions during the development phase which happens before it is released to the public.