Play at 8:15AM Central 9:15 AM Eastern and 2:15PM GMT New Players welcome Familiarity of system not required pdf Books can be found at link : <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Will make characters first secession. Macros already setup for ease So come and be a space pirate, privateer, smuggler, mercenary, noble, nano knight, spy, merchant or pilot. Fly among the stars, visit exotic locations, profit from the conflicts, spy on adversaries and fight battles that determine the ownership of star systems. Sign up here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... What I want the game to feel like: Shadowrun, cyberpunk and Bladerunner in terms of cybernetics, large networks of computer systems being significant and large corporations doing intrigue. (no magic and no androids though human slaves under full robotic control). Battletech and Robotech in terms of mechs, conflicting houses, space travel and system communications having some limitations and the universe has only humans as sentient beings. Dune in terms of one emperor, one governing body of nobles, long term genetic engineering plans and a few monopolies of important technologies being the driving force of the universes economy. (no spice though) Traveler in terms of space Odyssey, diversity of planets technology and ability (no psi). Star Wars in terms of adventure speed, access to space travel, awesome villains and shields. (again no aliens and no force D6 is a pretty easy system. There are 6 attributes they are the base for all the skills. Skills typically fall under one of attributes. The attribute is the number of dice and bonus that is rolled to achieve things. Average person has 2d6 for each attribute. Characters have 18 dice to split between the 6 attributes. So could be 3D each or can be split into the concept of pips. A pip is sort of a 1/3 of a d6. 1 pip = +1, 2 pip =+2 and 3 pip is a full die. Starting attribute max is 4D and lowest for character is 2d. Skills get 7d to spread between them. Same pip concept. Skill starts at the attribute die level and then add directly onto the attribute so for let's say a character has 3d in agility and wants to be good at firearms so adds 2d to fire arms. Since firearms is an agility skill character would have then have 5D in firearms. So character generation is simple allocation no rolling of stats. Max starting skill added to any one skill is 2d. There are advantages and disadvantages to select. So far I have only identified disadvantages the character can choose but working through advantages as well. Character can take a disadvantage to have more skill dice to spend and to add nuance to the characters background. When playing macro buttons that are already created will be clicked and a total will appear. It uses a wild die, fate points and character points so a player can do the impossible. To get an idea of difficulties a 10 or 11 is considered Easy to moderate which to hit something is the starting point. Average person with an attribute of 2d and a skill of 1d in brawling would roll without the wild die from 3 to 18 where about 9 would be average. Use of fate doubles the number you rolled, sped a character point adds a die to the roll and wild die is that concept where for that one die if it rolls a 6 get to roll again and add to the total. Wild die also has the concept of rolling a 1 and the gm can use that to reduce the roll, have a horrid event etc occur though really a means to use for drama and imo not to be abused. I'll have some character templates as well that can be chosen and modified. So simple and fast. Have character sheets and modified the macros so they can be used from the sheet. So come to this mashup world where space adventure awaits. Try a new game system and go away from the whole same old same old.