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[5e Shaped] 7.3.5+

Kryx. Thank you for the work you do on your sheet and for the community. I really do love to use your sheet and just feel a bit blindsided by the change as it effects my games directly. It is my fault for not being active in your discussions on updates and I will endeavor to be more active going forward. As to the reproduction path, if I understand exactly what you are asking, here is what i have found. At creation of a new page, I selected the edit function and then designated the class of bard and made him a level 11. Then i selected the type of spell casting available to the sheet to full casting and added a single spell "sleep." From this point I ended my editing and everything looks fine. Then I go back into edit, select warlock spell casting and close the edit. My spell list not included both warlock spell slots as well as all assocated spell slot for a full caster. Once again, I edit, but this time I remove the casting class completely and then close the edit. All warlock spell slots and full casting spell slots are still there. Closing the sheet and reopening as well as refreshing roll20 in my browser do nothing to remove these erroneous spell slots. I hope that is enough information to help you find the error in the page or in my understanding. As to the equipment tab, my issue with the equipment tab being removed completely has nothing to do with a replication of wizard's one page sheets or anything of that sort... it stems from the inability to add information about the item to the item itself, like the history of the item or the flavor text associated with the item, without having to edit the page to review the information each time. On the previous sheet, which had an equipment tab, you were able to easily access this information from the sheet. I admit, this is RP flavor and has little to do with combat and it doesn't need to be on the core page, but having an easily accessible tab where this information is stored (outside of handouts that have to be created and assigned by the DM) adds to the flow and flavor of a game, in my experience, and this is the prevailing opinion of the players that I play with. I guess if we were all murderhobos and had no interest in flavor beyond DM handhouts, then losing the equipment tab is no big deal.  In regards to Vanakoji, I am sorry that I was unaware that to have an opinion on a sheet that I have used almost exclusively for nearly 800 hours of game play on Roll20 I needed to be active in the forum posts associated with its updates. That will no longer be an issue going forward.
ThatGuyThrast said: As to the equipment tab, my issue with the equipment tab being removed completely has nothing to do with a replication of wizard's one page sheets or anything of that sort... it stems from the inability to add information about the item to the item itself, like the history of the item or the flavor text associated with the item, without having to edit the page to review the information each time. On the previous sheet, which had an equipment tab, you were able to easily access this information from the sheet. I admit, this is RP flavor and has little to do with combat and it doesn't need to be on the core page, but having an easily accessible tab where this information is stored (outside of handouts that have to be created and assigned by the DM) adds to the flow and flavor of a game, in my experience, and this is the prevailing opinion of the players that I play with. I guess if we were all murderhobos and had no interest in flavor beyond DM handhouts, then losing the equipment tab is no big deal. I feel the same about the loss of the equipment tab. I liked that part better the way it was.

Edited 1480473041
the game crashes every time i open more then one npc char sheet. If this keeps happening i may have to revert back to the ORL. I did like this sheet tho. Update seemed to take now.
Upgrade seemed to go smooth (7.3.7) in my campaign. That's a plus. Only getting one problem now.   I'm manually adding "Laser rifle" to the weapons section and pretty sure I set up everything correctly, but for some reason it isn't populating the silver attack and damage fields. Is this what 7.3.8 fixes? This campaign sheet updates live, so I hope not. I can't just drag and drop a laser rifle from the SRD.
Dvergr76 said: Upgrade seemed to go smooth (7.3.7) in my campaign. That's a plus. Only getting one problem now.   I'm manually adding "Laser rifle" to the weapons section and pretty sure I set up everything correctly, but for some reason it isn't populating the silver attack and damage fields. Is this what 7.3.8 fixes? This campaign sheet updates live, so I hope not. I can't just drag and drop a laser rifle from the SRD. Drag ANY weapon from the SRD, then edit it to whatever you need. I dragged over a Longbow and then re-edited to a Pistol for my Gunslinger NPC. 7.3.8 should be what fixes it, hopefully roll20 can pull the patch soon (Kryx has already asked them to).
Dvergr76 said: Upgrade seemed to go smooth (7.3.7) in my campaign. That's a plus. Only getting one problem now.   I'm manually adding "Laser rifle" to the weapons section and pretty sure I set up everything correctly, but for some reason it isn't populating the silver attack and damage fields. Is this what 7.3.8 fixes? This campaign sheet updates live, so I hope not. I can't just drag and drop a laser rifle from the SRD. OK, workaround. Just drag something similar in and copy over it and it works.
Liam said: Drag ANY weapon from the SRD, then edit it to whatever you need. I dragged over a Longbow and then re-edited to a Pistol for my Gunslinger NPC. 7.3.8 should be what fixes it, hopefully roll20 can pull the patch soon (Kryx has already asked them to). Lol, missed your post. Yeah, I figured it out.
So trying to load our sheets today for our session, we are apparently broken. Our sheet says "7.3.7" - but we are missing all but our Core and Character tabs. Any ideas to fix?  That's a lot of inventory and descriptions to replace.
Kissker said: So trying to load our sheets today for our session, we are apparently broken. Our sheet says "7.3.7" - but we are missing all but our Core and Character tabs. Any ideas to fix?  That's a lot of inventory and descriptions to replace. The equipment tab is gone is the newest update, everything is now in the core page in edit mode, all items and descriptions should still be there, just click the gear in edit mode. The spells tab now can be toggled on/off on the settings page so if you are not a spell caster, it will be disabled/you can disable it. New characters I believe have it off by default and can be turned on instead.

Edited 1480476096
Kissker said: So trying to load our sheets today for our session, we are apparently broken. Our sheet says "7.3.7" - but we are missing all but our Core and Character tabs. Any ideas to fix?  That's a lot of inventory and descriptions to replace. This has been mentioned a few times above, the Equipment tab was removed a month and a half ago. All the functionality is still available in the equipment section on the Core page. Regarding Spells, if you have a character which used Spells previously it should update correctly to show Spells on the Core page (as long as you don't interrupt your sheet updating by interacting with it, this can take some time if you have a lot of spells). You can also add Spells as a separate tab in the Settings tab.
As a reminder to everyone, Kryx will not be available to fix things on this sheet for the next two weeks as he is moving countries. ALSO There was a small bug between the current Live version (7.3.7) and the latest version on Github (7.3.8) which affects creating new attacks. A workaround is to drag ANY weapon from the SRD and then re-edit the weapon to suit your needs. Roll20 have been made aware of the bug but there is no ETA on the patch being made the Live sheet.

Edited 1480477603
Sadly this isn't the case. We had Equipment since just a couple of days ago, our last sessions, and now it's gone or all scrunched and terrible. (not good)   The spells are completely gone, no where in sight, no tabs.                 At this rate we have to completely start over.   Oh and I left my google chrome, popup window, and the little notice window open for about 30 minutes now. All of us are not liking the missing Equipment Tab.   Is this planned to stay this way? Can't it be an optional sheet for people?  We actually enjoyed using the separated. If it plans to remain gone (eg: no plans to make the equipment tab a thing again) Then we shall all move on to another sheet now and save the effort.
Kissker said: Sadly this isn't the case. We had Equipment since just a couple of days ago, our last sessions, and now it's gone or all scrunched and terrible. (not good)   The spells are completely gone, no where in sight, no tabs.                 At this rate we have to completely start over.   Oh and I left my google chrome, popup window, and the little notice window open for about 30 minutes now. The sheet has changed a number of versions since the last non-Pro version and the new one that published today. As I mentioned above, Kryx, the developer is away at the moment, but these changes have been tested by a good number of Pro users over the past month and a half so they should work (Again, I stress that they should but as I'm not Kryx, there is not much I can do other than suggest things). Look in the settings tab and check that the Display section has the following ticked, that should fix Spells (Prepared matters is only needed for classes that have to prepare spells): Regarding Equipment, it should be on the Core page in the middle section. Go into Edit Mode and check if the new Quick Items feature is ticked (as if it is, equipment will only show if you have them ticked to be in the Quick display list).

Edited 1480477963
If this sheet plans to stay as it is, all crammed and unable to really read or edit things in a large format - it's waste of time. We couldn't move items with the "hamburger" when we used modify (we still can't) to help organize, but at least we had a large box (an entire tab/window) to help keep things worded and described. Now it's all bunched and cluttered, especially on the seen Spells. (for those that can see it)   so 10 players, 2 pro- 100% not happy with this change set.
Kissker said: If this sheet plans to stay as it is, all crammed and unable to really read or edit things in a large format - it's waste of time. Regardless of if Kryx decides to change the style of the sheet, which is up to him as the developer, there likely won't be any changes for at least the next 2 weeks, as has been mentioned several times at this point. Also, constructive criticism is probably going to convince the developer to change something, calling something a "waste of time" not so much.
Constructively -  The equipment tab needs to be back, even if it's an option - it wasn't perfect, but it was well - liked (in fact, the entire reason this sheet was picked instead of another)    The "crunch to core" needs to be optional.   Having the "front page" scroll down so far just to see anything is tedious and quite annoying.         The equipment's  "pen icon" and "modify" need to allow the movement of one item to another part of the page, swapping places with things (moving inventory around) for all players.              Do not focus on Drag N' Drop actions - none of us use them, and quite frankly it's much more "table top experience" to type out our gear/lists. (Especially when we mistype and a Sword of Sharpness becomes a Sword of Sharpees) while this may be "home brew" and "personal experience" it is quite enjoyable. If you want class specified changes, you should include an ability to check which Archetype one has chosen, and allow auto-population of spells, abilities and so forth based on level from there -  With Barbarian in mind it should check Rage damage and if Rage is Enabled and Auto-Add the Damage Bonus to Melee Attacks.  (And things of that nature like Sneak Attack for Rogue, etc) All 'abilities" be them Attacks, "Features and Traits" or other - should have a menu for what kind of action they use.  Action, Bonus Action, Reaction, etc.  This helps clearly identify what has been used on what turn.  This does NOT need to auto-populate, merely be a checkbox that we can manually control. It should just display it in the chat, even if it is at the bottom. Anything added to a "Virtual Experience" should make it Easier to manage, not make it take longer to get under control, and not require hours of learning macros to get things to work "properly".  While the sheet covers most of the ground, it fails to have several options to help.  Such as buttons to Dash, which would then Auto-Adjust (or notify in chat the new results) of your Walking Speed.   Things like Auto Ammo consumption do not appear working, perhaps better explaining or fixing is needed. (not a ranged user myself, no real experience with it)  And due to the fact that you can recover half the spent ammunition if you take time to do so (book rule) it should also keep track of how many fired, how many can be recovered. the Features and Traits area needs work.    It should be an array of buttons that work instead of block of texts - this could be edited on another page, tab, or some other means.    This would condense the space it uses to say a 3 wide button array instead of several paragraphs per.  It gets pretty long when you multi-class or even just level up naturally. Pressing the "long rest" or "short rest" does not appear to do anything toward things such as Hit Points, Spell Slots, Features and Traits (things like Ki, Feats with uses like Lucky, etc) to refresh them, forcing someone to manually go through and re-type 5/5, 3/3, etc.  Perhaps this is a bug, perhaps it's a function disabled by default - it's quite unclear, as you need a Instruction Manual to fully understand each and every option currently available, unless you just click and notice (which can be time consuming)

Edited 1480481936
Kissker said: Constructively -  The equipment tab needs to be back, even if it's an option - it wasn't perfect, but it was well - liked (in fact, the entire reason this sheet was picked instead of another)    The "crunch to core" needs to be optional.   Having the "front page" scroll down so far just to see anything is tedious and quite annoying.         The equipment's  "pen icon" and "modify" need to allow the movement of one item to another part of the page, swapping places with things (moving inventory around) for all players.              Do not focus on Drag N' Drop actions - none of us use them, and quite frankly it's much more "table top experience" to type out our gear/lists. (Especially when we mistype and a Sword of Sharpness becomes a Sword of Sharpees) while this may be "home brew" and "personal experience" it is quite enjoyable. I personally agree with you that I prefer the Equipment tab, if at least as an option. The "Add" "Modify" "Done" buttons are pre-programmed into roll20's implementation of repeating sections, there is nothing Kryx can do to change how those work. The "pen icon" can't modify anything inside a repeating section apart from CSS, i.e. how a section is displayed. Drag and Drop is used by a great many people, that's why the compendium exists in the first place. If you want class specified changes, you should include an ability to check which Archetype one has chosen, and allow auto-population of spells, abilities and so forth based on level from there - With Barbarian in mind it should check Rage damage and if Rage is Enabled and Auto-Add the Damage Bonus to Melee Attacks. (And things of that nature like Sneak Attack for Rogue, etc) The only archetypes that can only be included are the ones in the SRD, so Kryx can't include everything. Also the more Archetypes added, the larger the sheet code and the less responsive the sheet gets. Also some things like things changing when Rage was enabled for example are probably only able to be done via API (Not an expert on that so I may be wrong). Anything added to a "Virtual Experience" should make it Easier to manage, not make it take longer to get under control, and not require hours of learning macros to get things to work "properly". While the sheet covers most of the ground, it fails to have several options to help. Such as buttons to Dash, which would then Auto-Adjust (or notify in chat the new results) of your Walking Speed. Things like Auto Ammo consumption do not appear working, perhaps better explaining or fixing is needed. (not a ranged user myself, no real experience with it) And due to the fact that you can recover half the spent ammunition if you take time to do so (book rule) it should also keep track of how many fired, how many can be recovered. These would likely be API or sheetworker features to be able to auto-adjust. The Auto Ammo consumption is an API feature, if your DM is Pro and installs the 5e Shaped Companion sheet they can enable this. the Features and Traits area needs work. It should be an array of buttons that work instead of block of texts - this could be edited on another page, tab, or some other means. This would condense the space it uses to say a 3 wide button array instead of several paragraphs per. It gets pretty long when you multi-class or even just level up naturally. Until recently, sheetworkers could not be used to delete elements of a repeating section so this wasn't possible. The current Spells implementation (e.g. with the condensed version becoming an italicised short spell list, similar to the spell macro) is Kryx's first experiment with that. So that could be possible, though whether Kryx would want to do that is another thing entirely. Pressing the "long rest" or "short rest" does not appear to do anything toward things such as Hit Points, Spell Slots, Features and Traits (things like Ki, Feats with uses like Lucky, etc) to refresh them, forcing someone to manually go through and re-type 5/5, 3/3, etc. Perhaps this is a bug, perhaps it's a function disabled by default - it's quite unclear, as you need a Instruction Manual to fully understand each and every option currently available, unless you just click and notice (which can be time consuming) This is again an API feature, your DM can enable it with the Script if they have Pro, or hide it in the Settings otherwise. There is a symbol to indicate that it is API only next to the Rest buttons (and the Ammo automation is enabled in the API section of the Settings page). I hope that helps answer some of your message. I know you're frustrated and I know Kryx will want to hear your feedback. I'm just trying to help you where I can as just another user of the sheet. (EDIT: Used the wrong terminology for one of the sections)
I am tremendously disappointed. The sheet update went live in my game without me being aware of it, and it pretty much ruined my evening. Several dozen npc sheets, as well as a dozen PC sheets lost the ability to roll entirely with no posted error. Player's hard work in preparing their sheets lost attack values, damage values, or just flat out wouldn't roll due to syntax errors despite using tricks posted in the forums.. Monster sheets lost half their values, and changed attributes on many. The worst part is that the new sheets caused page unresponsive errors over and over, and opening more than one sheet at a time risked crashing the page. Opening a single sheet at a time risked crashing the page. This is not a hardware issue I assure you. In the end I wasted several hours yesterday prepping a game for today, and then today I wasted half the session complaining about al the things that were broken and running around like a jackass trying to get them into a state of functionality. Those are all the issues I had with it. I hope that helps someone to fix them.
i imagine this post will be deleted by a moderator, but it needs to be said, and i doubt any amount of tact could make this criticism any more pleasant. It was incredibly poor decision making to force the update right before the developer becomes unavailable, especially knowing in advance that it would likely break many aspects of people's games. It was not a wise decision the last time this happened. It's less so now.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Tony said: I am tremendously disappointed. The sheet update went live in my game without me being aware of it, and it pretty much ruined my evening. Several dozen npc sheets, as well as a dozen PC sheets lost the ability to roll entirely with no posted error. Player's hard work in preparing their sheets lost attack values, damage values, or just flat out wouldn't roll due to syntax errors despite using tricks posted in the forums.. Monster sheets lost half their values, and changed attributes on many. The worst part is that the new sheets caused page unresponsive errors over and over, and opening more than one sheet at a time risked crashing the page. Opening a single sheet at a time risked crashing the page. This is not a hardware issue I assure you. In the end I wasted several hours yesterday prepping a game for today, and then today I wasted half the session complaining about al the things that were broken and running around like a jackass trying to get them into a state of functionality. Those are all the issues I had with it. I hope that helps someone to fix them. You did not let the updates complete. There was no crash; sheets, especially those with spells, just take a very long time to update. If you closed the tab despite the box telling you not to, you interrupted the update, leaving the sheet in a bad state where things don't work, as you now can see. 
I don't know if it is a bug in the sheet or something else but I figure posting it here may help: When dragging and dropping the Disintegrate spell into the sheet it does not seem to implement the +40 flat damage bonus. Everything else works fine and is being imported without a problem but the damage bonus does not appear. It was not imported over from the old version as well, but that may be due to my browser crashing in the process (from having an upload overload, not because of the sheet, mind you ;)).

Edited 1480500111
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Without pushing this week there was no chance the sheet would be updated until January. There is seemingly only one major issue and that is attacks, but that has a workaround so that's good. I've also asked Roll20 to do a second push this week, but no guarantees. the attacks bug was caused by a recent refactoring, so it's my fault. I extensively tested dragging weapons, but not manually adding them. Thanks to the community that did the testing and caught everything else. Regarding "forced upgrade" please read what I wrote on page 1. The sheet is a software product that is continuously being enhanced and improved. If I could prompt users to ask them to agree to upgrade, I would, but that's not how the system is setup. You can always check this forum to read the latest changes and to have your voice heard before a feature goes live. You can also join my test campaign to experience the latest yourself. Regarding equipment: the description field was rather small before and didn't leave much room to show a detailed description. Though the current behavior does not show the description in presentation mode. I can add some toggles there that will show/hide descriptions if that will meet the need to see descriptions in presentation mode. As Vanakoji pointed out the "Quick" toggle is very useful. Snizzle, if disintegrate isn't adding the bonus damage when dragging from SRD then I assume it is a long standing issue. It sounds like you think the same. I'll investigate and fix when I get a chance. Thanks Liam and Vanakoji for covering the support side.

Edited 1480505705
On live when I opened my first NPC I got this box as expected. Not sure I fully understand the last part and how long I'm supposed to see this message. I assume it is related to the movement of the 4 circles in the corner. Has been looking like this for more than 15 minutes by now and is still "going". How long is the update supposed to take for each NPC/PC character? Does the popup change when done converting?  In case someone does close the sheet again before it is done updating (haven't happened yet for me), what is the work around?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The message lasts until you close it. Once the image is no longer laggy and the sheet is not laggy then it's done and you can close it.
Ok, thanks for quick clarification! I haven't noticed any problems with the actual conversions. I personally dislike the all lower-case spell names, but I guess that is to save space. In case others want to know: When testing on other characters I noticed the old version of sheet still present there when opening them and the sheet being "frozen", after a few second the version changed, after that I get the popup in the image above with laggy rotating balls for around one second, then the balls float in a steady pace and I close the image. Kryx, I know the limitations of Roll20 is a big factor here, and I know why you added it the popup. I'm just saying that it would be nice - if the popup would display during the 2 second freeze before the version field is updated as that to me appeared to be using 2 of the 3 seconds the conversion took. (Also maybe fewer people would close it prematurely)?  - with a better way of knowing when the conversion is done. I waited 15 minutes just because of the comments on this forum saying that if you close it too soon you would get all sort of weird problems. I'm wondering if instead of the popup it would be possible to make the whole sheet stay hidden/not open until the conversion was done and then open it? A few extra seconds of load when conversion is done I wouldn't have noticed personally. The popup confused me (and I assume others too) more than it should have.

Edited 1480511605
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Lowercase spell names in the condensed list is to match the styling of the spell lists of monsters. The whole spell styling is designed to match that. The notification works as you describe. I try to show it as soon as possible, but it is lagging so it makes sense there is a delay. Perhaps it can be improved in the future, but that's the behavior for now. If you want to be sure you can open the console (f12 on Windows) and see if any messages are going by. For most cases it takes less than 5 seconds to upgrade. The message is mainly for the long cases. If I could identify the upgrade completing and therefore close the notification or show the sheet, I would, but it's technically challenging. I tried for many many hours.
Jakob said: You did not let the updates complete. There was no crash; sheets, especially those with spells, just take a very long time to update. If you closed the tab despite the box telling you not to, you interrupted the update, leaving the sheet in a bad state where things don't work, as you now can see.  I let every sheet finish updating,  and then some as per the criteria mentioned by the developer himself.  Most sheets finished updating within about 4-5 seconds, and then I let them run for another 20 minutes anyways before the session even started. The only variable in my game is the new sheets. Not a single other element of functionality has been altered in anything on my machine. Opening a sheet causes music to stutter, the page to lock up, and opening multiple UPDATED sheets almost always bogs down the game until an unresponsive script error occurs. This happens in multiple browsers.On multiple machines. Using different ISP's.With API's on, and off. With music on, and off. 
Tony said: I let every sheet finish updating,  and then some as per the criteria mentioned by the developer himself.  Most sheets finished updating within about 4-5 seconds, and then I let them run for another 20 minutes anyways before the session even started. The only variable in my game is the new sheets. Not a single other element of functionality has been altered in anything on my machine. Opening a sheet causes music to stutter, the page to lock up, and opening multiple UPDATED sheets almost always bogs down the game until an unresponsive script error occurs. This happens in multiple browsers.On multiple machines. Using different ISP's.With API's on, and off. With music on, and off.  Opening any sheet causes music to stutter for a moment and the page to lock up, that's the same for every character sheet. Out of curiosity, how many journals (characters/npcs/mooks/etc) do you have on your campaign, how large are your maps and how many sheets are you trying to open at once? It sounds like your campaign is overloaded, as even when a sheet isn't open, all the attributes of every sheet have to be loaded into your campaign. So if you have say 50 sheets, that's probably around 10-15k attributes minimum loading just there.

Edited 1480532855
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Tony said:  bogs down the game until an unresponsive script error occurs. What do you mean by unresponsive script error? Can you take a screenshot? There have never been reports of any broken script like you describe, so I'm skeptical, but it's possible.

Edited 1480537872
I just had Chrome crash when trying to update. Actually my fan turned on and then Chrome crashed. Luckily the update took! After rebooting it was fine. Testing various PCs now. Quick question: What is the difference between the encumbrance multiplier under the equipment itself vs. the one in settings?
TheWebCoder said: Quick question: What is the difference between the encumbrance multiplier under the equipment itself vs. the one in settings? From the last thread when I asked the same thing since I missed it (the fields are on documentation as well) Encumbrance only affects encumbrance and heavy encumbrance. Weight affects those plus carrying capacity and max push drag.
Is there something I can do to unsquish the stuff in features and traits? It's rather unsightly and I don't remember it looking like that in the past. I also miss the equipment tab along with my buddies :(

Edited 1480536890
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Traits has been like that for quite a while. Many months (definitely before 7.X.X). Though I may address it as the next UI option with a condensed view and/or a quick toggle. btw is that Firefox? Some items look a bit off. I'll see if I can adjust them, though chrome will always look the best.
Yeah it's firefox. They've been squished for a while indeed. It may just be in my head but I feel like the squishing has been getting progressively worse :P I checked it out on Chrome and it does look far better as you said I may switch over to using it for roll20 since it's been bothering me for a while. Thanks for the help.

Edited 1480540243
Notes on Update Both Chrome and Firefox have the update script crash: Once I reload Roll20, the update was successful. That happened for each of my 5 PCs. Minor visual recommendation: The half lines of trait text are really distracting. Perhaps offer a toggle in the settings to show all of that text, or there's some great CSS tricks for gracefully truncating after a certain amount of space. The simple truncate to ellipse ... would work, or get fancy and have it fade out. This would address Ed K's issue above ^ Choosing casting level as warlock: Our warlock has a number of items that duplicate her spells, for example shatter. The items may not cast the spell at max-level as per usual with warlock. In the past, if I gave her 1 6th level spell slot, it would prompt for casting level instead of auto-cast-at-highest. Not sure how to do that on new version? Where can we note special abilities for armor?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
TheWebCoder said: Both Chrome and Firefox have the update script crash: Once I reload Roll20, the update was successful. That happened for each of my 5 PCs. Please take a screenshot. I don't know what you mean by script crash. TheWebCoder said: Minor visual recommendation: The half lines of trait text are really distracting. Perhaps offer a toggle in the settings to show all of that text, or there's some great CSS tricks for gracefully truncating after a certain amount of space. The simple truncate to ellipse ... would work, or get fancy and have it fade out. This would address Ed K's issue above ^ That is not the case on my chrome. I didn't want to truncate based on length, but on size. Not so keen on an image that fades out. As mentioned above a better solution is condensed and/or quick toggles. Movie starting so I'll respond to the rest later.

Edited 1480607181
It's the browser level "this script has stopped responding" continue / cancel. Only happened once per sheet, so no screenies, sorry. The truncation issue is in Firefox. Please look through that CSS Tricks article I linked. It addresses truncate by space, and fade out has various options. But yeah, some kind of toggle would be fine too.

Edited 1480539799
Sheet Author
API Scripter
TheWebCoder said: It's the browser level "this script has stopped responding" continue / cancel. Only happened once per sheet, so no screenies, sorry. The truncation issue is in Firefox. If I'm not completely mistaken, that's the update running when there's lot of spells (it can take up to several minutes). It will  eventually complete if you give it enough time. It's very surprising that things still works afterwards...
TheWebCoder said: Choosing casting level as warlock: Our warlock has a number of items that duplicate her spells, for example shatter. The items may not cast the spell at max-level as per usual with warlock. In the past, if I gave her 1 6th level spell slot, it would prompt for casting level instead of auto-cast-at-highest. Not sure how to do that on new version? Is there something not working? I just made a new sheet, set warlock to lvl 18 just to make sure it has all level, and to get the spell levels query, i -toggled spell slots on - added 1 to the slots for all desired levels - toggled slots off For shatter it works without problem in my test and gives the spell query. Not it only queries for levels you have slots for fo if you given 1 slot to 6th level only when you cast as 5th level, it will only give you 5th and 6th level options so give 1 slot to all desired levels.
Dvergr76 said: Liam said: Drag ANY weapon from the SRD, then edit it to whatever you need. I dragged over a Longbow and then re-edited to a Pistol for my Gunslinger NPC. 7.3.8 should be what fixes it, hopefully roll20 can pull the patch soon (Kryx has already asked them to). Lol, missed your post. Yeah, I figured it out. Have we found any other work around for this? One of my players has like 12 unique weapons he's going to have to re-enter in order for updates to take. Cheers.

Edited 1480540264
Vanakoji said: Is there something not working? I just made a new sheet, set warlock to lvl 18 just to make sure it has all level, and to get the spell levels query, i -toggled spell slots on - added 1 to the slots for all desired levels - toggled slots off For shatter it works without problem in my test and gives the spell query. Not it only queries for levels you have slots for fo if you given 1 slot to 6th level only when you cast as 5th level, it will only give you 5th and 6th level options so give 1 slot to all desired levels. I followed those steps and it worked. Thank you!
TheWebCoder said: Have we found any other work around for this? One of my players has like 12 unique weapons he's going to have to re-enter in order for updates to take. Cheers. Not at the moment, you could do some temp, unadvised hacky stuff but it is pretty much the case of the work to a bad hacky fix is pretty much the same as re-entering an attack. 7.3.8 has a fix so if you are DM or your DM is pro it might be worth doing that upgrade till roll20 does the update for this fix.
Hmmm... manually updated sheet from github, but sheets in Journal say 7.3.7. I used link from first post and doublechecked github and it does say 7.3.8 there. Any thoughts?
Dvergr76 said: Hmmm... manually updated sheet from github, but sheets in Journal say 7.3.7. I used link from first post and doublechecked github and it does say 7.3.8 there. Any thoughts? Does manually entering an attack work? That was the only fix so if the sheets still says 7.3.7 but the attacks work then it was just missed for making the sheet say 7.3.8 in the quick fix Kryx did before he had to leave. So if manaul attacks work, its 7.3.8.
Haven't tried yet, but noticed most melee attack rolls don't have attack fields populated. switching to something else and then back to melee (thrown) fixes though. When I'm back on my pc I can test manually adding.
Trying to to auto fill spells for NPCs but it fills out the whole sheet not just the area I need to put the spell in. 
Sheet Author
API Scripter
MrPopo said: Trying to to auto fill spells for NPCs but it fills out the whole sheet not just the area I need to put the spell in.  What do you mean? Importing a NPC from srd will fill in all the details. If you just want certain spells then you can drag them individually to the spells tab.

Edited 1480616874
I thought about not posting this.  But I just wanted to mention it.  I had opened up all my PC sheets and NPC sheets right after the update went live.  Everything looked great.  Then last night when we got into the session the players started opening up sheets and were getting some strange results.  It would seem that they couldn't see their spell lists in edit mode on the core page or spell tab, but I would look at it and it would all be fine.  They would exit re-enter the game and it would be fine for them and I would lose it.  Once everyone reloaded things seemed to be okay.  This also happened to core stats and lots of details on the page, would all go blank or disappear in edit mode.  I didn't bother with screen shots, and I don't really think there is a reproduction path I could give you. EDIT: Just checked again, when you click/unclick the pencil for edit mode, there is a noticeable transition (at least for me) from the two states, and in this transition all the stats go blank, the skill section collapses and Spells/Equip/Traits all go blank, then as the edit mode kicks in, all those fields come back with the yellow box.  Basically all the editable fields disappear for a visible period then come back with the yellow boxes on them.  So what was happening last night, was that the sheets were stopping in the mid state making them look blank. An exit of the game and re-enter was fixing it, it would seem.  again not sure if anyone else has been experiencing anything like this.  Just a small glitch, nothing earth shattering, but hopefully not a sympotom of something larger. A note however, I have only been staying with the stable released versions of the sheet, so this game got upgraded from 6.5.x.  But again I made sure to open all the sheets well before so there was no accidental closing during upgrade and all that.  So I just want to put this here, so there is a record and maybe if others have had similar experiences. I am liking the new sheet layout, first time seeing it in use.  I have some players that grumbled for a bit last night, but they will get over it.  I think some are just naturally against change.  Still remember when the SRD came out and everyone started freaking out that the old Shaped Sheet wasn't going to be available anymore.  They get over it, and move on.  I personally like that all the stuff is on the core page, hated having to tab over to other pages for simple spell click.  But that's me. Great work @Kryx, and good luck with the move and all.

Edited 1480618826
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Mark B. said: I thought about not posting this.  But I just wanted to mention it.  I had opened up all my PC sheets and NPC sheets right after the update went live.  Everything looked great.  Then last night when we got into the session the players started opening up sheets and were getting some strange results.  It would seem that they couldn't see their spell lists in edit mode on the core page or spell tab, but I would look at it and it would all be fine.  They would exit re-enter the game and it would be fine for them and I would lose it.  Once everyone reloaded things seemed to be okay.  This also happened to core stats and lots of details on the page, would all go blank or disappear in edit mode.  I didn't bother with screen shots, and I don't really think there is a reproduction path I could give you. I've had this happen several times going back many versions. It seems to happen after I update the sheet. What may be a cause is some people are on an old sheet and some on a new sheet, but I'm unsure. You can try having everyone close the game, wait a few seconds, and then all rejoin. I'm unsure if that'll solve it though as I don't know the cause. I don't think it's sheet related. Agreed about the change factor - you see it every time a software product updates there are heated responses, mostly negative. Some of that is legit frustration about a worse experience. Some of it is also a dislike of change. It's difficult to differentiate. At the end of the day I'm committed to making the product better. It may not always be exactly as everyone wants (that'd be impossible), but I'll do my best to meet the needs of users even if it differs from mine. The move has gone great so far - we moved country today. About a week until I have everything (computer) though.
Kryx said: I've had this happen several times going back many versions. It seems to happen after I update the sheet. What may be a cause is some people are on an old sheet and some on a new sheet, but I'm unsure. You can try having everyone close the game, wait a few seconds, and then all rejoin. I'm unsure if that'll solve it though as I don't know the cause. I don't think it's sheet related. Agreed about the change factor - you see it every time a software product updates there are heated responses, mostly negative. Some of that is legit frustration about a worse experience. Some of it is also a dislike of change. It's difficult to differentiate. At the end of the day I'm committed to making the product better. It may not always be exactly as everyone wants (that'd be impossible), but I'll do my best to meet the needs of users even if it differs from mine. The move has gone great so far - we moved country today. About a week until I have everything (computer) though. Okay, makes sense on the first one.  i will keep an eye on it, but other than a couple simple format things (the gear icon doesn't seem centred on the tab properly) the sheet is great. And I agree, also if the whole roll20 community stayed up to date on the forums (free, plus or pro alike) the surprise and blow back I think would be less, but just like being able to please everyone being impossible, this also would not be realistic. And good news on the move!!!