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[5e Shaped] 7.3.5+

First, thank you for all your hard work on the script Kryx. Your sheet and script work wonders in my games. I have a question about the feasibility of making a small tweak to the script regarding the "Roll HP for Monsters" function. In short, would it be possible to configure the script to set the max HP on the bar to whatever the rolled HP is when the token is created? I have a custom script I wrote that tints tokens based on how much damage they have taken and it needs to know the max to do that. I'm fairly script savvy but yours is several levels beyond what I can easily and quickly parse out. If you could point me in the right direction as far as where to find the relevant code (or perhaps suggest an easy work around) that would be much appreciated! Thank you again for a great set of tools!
Brent T. said: First, thank you for all your hard work on the script Kryx. Your sheet and script work wonders in my games. I have a question about the feasibility of making a small tweak to the script regarding the "Roll HP for Monsters" function. In short, would it be possible to configure the script to set the max HP on the bar to whatever the rolled HP is when the token is created? I have a custom script I wrote that tints tokens based on how much damage they have taken and it needs to know the max to do that. I'm fairly script savvy but yours is several levels beyond what I can easily and quickly parse out. If you could point me in the right direction as far as where to find the relevant code (or perhaps suggest an easy work around)&nbsp;that would be much appreciated! Thank you again for a great set of tools! Brent, this subject would likely be better posted on the forum post for the script itself <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... they are two separate pieces of coding, Kryx handles the sheet, Lucian handles the script.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Hey Brent, I believe the sheet already sets the maximum hp to the amount rolled. It had in every case that I've used it. If you are experiencing otherwise try several monsters and then if it continues post on Lucian's script thread. Though he's caught up in some IRL stuff right now.
Kryx said: Hey Brent, I believe the sheet already sets the maximum hp to the amount rolled. It had in every case that I've used it. If you are experiencing otherwise try several monsters and then if it continues post on Lucian's script thread. Though he's caught up in some IRL stuff right now. Well if you drop several monsters from the same sheet, the script rolls the HP for each token. &nbsp;This would set the max HP at a different value potentially for each token. So the script would have to pass along the max HP total somehow for Brent's custom script to pick up on, at the token level.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Mark B. said: Well if you drop several monsters from the same sheet, the script rolls the HP for each token. &nbsp;This would set the max HP at a different value potentially for each token. So the script would have to pass along the max HP total somehow for Brent's custom script to pick up on, at the token level. HP isn't linked so it can and does set max hp I believe. I'm not quite sure what Brent is trying to accomplish, but if the script needs adjusting that thread is the place to ask.
There is a significant lag (~3sec) when opening spellcasters' sheets everytime, now that they are updated. If background music is playing it will pause and a message, "Loading..." will appear. The casters are wizard and cleric, both 5th level, so not a tonne of spells. Clearing my browser's cache knocked off about 1 second. I also have the companion script installed. I notice a very small lag (like an eyeblink) when switching to edit mode but I have a fast computer and network connection. There can be serious lag just from your computer or network connection (I.e. wireless). We haven't played with the new version in my campaign so I don't how the players will react, but in another campaign where I am a player we used the new sheet we are all pretty OK with it, just takes getting used to some of the differences. Also, I'm running a 5th level paladin and noticed a bit of lag opening the sheet.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
How many spells do you have? Is it all level 1, 2, and 3 spells for a Cleric?
Yes, and the wizard. They have some spells unprepared but not that many IMO.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
How many?
I was replying to Mark B.'s post that there is a bit of lag that can be amplified by slow computer, connection, etc.
OK, Cleric Cantrips - 4 Level 1 - 7 Level 2 - 8 Level 3 - 1 Tot: 20 Wizard Cantrips - 5 Level 1 - 12 Level 2 - 4 Level 3 - 5 Tot: 26

Edited 1480623436
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Both are reasonable, indeed. If the lag is only on the new version I assume it's caused by the sheet having to load hundreds of fields (around 130 per spell last I checked) 3x. So 20x130x3=7800 fields for the clerics spells. Doesn't even include anything else. Personally, I'd love to remove the spells tab all together and reduce that number further, but that would displease people. Perhaps if I was able to expand the spells area on core as some kind of toggle, but that'd be difficult. I think I may try having the middle and right column grow to the width of the page. That might alleviate the concerns of some people for wider spells and wider equipment (if they widen their sheet) while allowing the sheet to have less width for other users. If that is pleasing enough to most people then I could scrap the spells tab. The NPC sheet already does the growing part on its right column, though the whole page is limited to a max width I believe.
Ran my AL campaign last night with new sheet. The wizard said all his spells got crits added to them (i.e. - crit dmg added to fireball). Just passing info along, I know you are moving.

Edited 1480623893
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Can you please provide a screenshot of the output with you hovering the critical damage added and a screenshot of the spell in edit mode? This seems doubtful as this area shouldn't be affected. And crits only happen on attacks..
Kryx, I add to the chorus of an amazing job with the sheet. My players' sheets updated to the latest version and I've noticed 2 issues so far: Ammo: &nbsp;When I add an ammo field and call it something (e.g. "bolts"), and then set the ammo property on weapon to use "bolts" it doesn't decrement the ammo. &nbsp;However, when I change the name to somthing numeric like "20" it does decrement. Spell slots don't seem to 'get used', i.e. they don't decrement when a spell of a given level is cast. &nbsp;Is this normal or should this indeed decrease every time a spell is used. Thanks
There was one thing I just noticed today. Spells don't parse the saving throw right, they always set to strength saves. For the spell duplication issue, my first impression would be if possible, to have the current condense view look be all that appeared on the core page (so just clickable names) and editing was on the core page. This would allow the larger space for editing edits, reduce them appearing on two tabs, as well are more accurately fit the paper sheet. However, this is just first thoughts on that and I have seen manage to make things work way better a number of times since early development so really it is a wait and see some solutions before its worth talking too much about. Hope everything goes well with the moving.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Hi Jack, Thanks for the report. Can you try with a clean character sheet and see if the ammo issue persists? Spells are not automatically used. It has been a feature discussed for a while, but has never been implemented by Lucian.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
For issues can you guys use the&nbsp; Issue Tracker otherwise they will surely be lost among the conversation and new threads. Core is the main page - it shouldn't have reduced functionality. The only reason a spells tab needs to exist is for more room. If I allow the core columns to grow that would alleviate the need for space. If there is still a desire for a spells tab for layout I could indeed provide a neutered option on the spells tab, but we'll see how the core expansion goes.

Edited 1480628249
Today tinkering with my own Character (instead of being DM) &nbsp;I notice I cannot "level up". &nbsp; I made a new sheet to check if it was bugged but here's what happens. &nbsp; Level 1 Fighter. &nbsp; &nbsp;Hit pencil, go up to class, hit Add - choose Rogue, level 1. &nbsp; &nbsp;The Hit Die is wrong, (defaults to d12) and then after going back to "non edit mode" it still says Fighter 1. &nbsp;(not fighter 1, rogue 1). &nbsp; Also - nothing is added to traits and feats. (no Rogue abilities, like Sneak Attack, that normally Auto-populates) Testing as both DM and Player the issue is present in New and Existing sheets/characters. &nbsp;&nbsp;

Edited 1480628977
KS Backer
Kissker said: Today tinkering with my own Character (instead of being DM) &nbsp;I notice I cannot "level up". &nbsp; I made a new sheet to check if it was bugged but here's what happens. &nbsp; Level 1 Fighter. &nbsp; &nbsp;Hit pencil, go up to class, hit Add - choose Rogue, level 1. &nbsp; &nbsp;The Hit Die is wrong, (defaults to d12) and then after going back to "non edit mode" it still says Fighter 1. &nbsp;(not fighter 1, rogue 1). &nbsp; Also - nothing is added to traits and feats. (no Rogue abilities, like Sneak Attack, that normally Auto-populates) Testing as both DM and Player the issue is present in New and Existing sheets/characters. &nbsp;&nbsp; The only advice I can give at the moment is go through Roll20 standard fixes such as clearing cache as I can not reproduce this issue on new or existing sheets in any of my games. I create a new sheet, set the level to fighter 1. Close the sheet/game etc and then go back and edit it and add rogue 1 and it has worked every time. The only thing I could see is your browser lagging out and not doing the level up. If possible, create a new blank campaign, if the issue persists then it could be a browser issue so it would be best to try a different browser as well.&nbsp; Unforunatly I can't offer more than that as I cannot reproduce the issue to try and find a fix or the cause of it specifically.

Edited 1480629959
Vanakoji said: Kissker said: Today tinkering with my own Character (instead of being DM) &nbsp;I notice I cannot "level up". &nbsp; I made a new sheet to check if it was bugged but here's what happens. &nbsp; Level 1 Fighter. &nbsp; &nbsp;Hit pencil, go up to class, hit Add - choose Rogue, level 1. &nbsp; &nbsp;The Hit Die is wrong, (defaults to d12) and then after going back to "non edit mode" it still says Fighter 1. &nbsp;(not fighter 1, rogue 1). &nbsp; Also - nothing is added to traits and feats. (no Rogue abilities, like Sneak Attack, that normally Auto-populates) Testing as both DM and Player the issue is present in New and Existing sheets/characters. &nbsp;&nbsp; The only advice I can give at the moment is go through Roll20 standard fixes such as clearing cache as I can not reproduce this issue on new or existing sheets in any of my games. I create a new sheet, set the level to fighter 1. Close the sheet/game etc and then go back and edit it and add rogue 1 and it has worked every time. The only thing I could see is your browser lagging out and not doing the level up. If possible, create a new blank campaign, if the issue persists then it could be a browser issue so it would be best to try a different browser as well.&nbsp; Unforunatly I can't offer more than that as I cannot reproduce the issue to try and find a fix for. I actually made a new blank game, and it does the same thing. &nbsp;Even after restarting Chrome. ok back. &nbsp;I just closed Chrome completely. &nbsp;Ran CCleaner. &nbsp;Deleted over 1GB of data. And..... it still does it. &nbsp;It's 100% not cache. Also tried in Edge. (PS don't use Edge, it's incredibly slow for some reason, updates take over 20 seconds)

Edited 1480631378
Seems to be a Null Class error. you change class (or add one) but if you use the "arrows" to level up - it breaks it. completely. &nbsp; The sheet is ruined. you can add a class, then manually type in the level (even if it's 1) then it should be alright.&nbsp; If you add a class and click ANYWHERE it seems to create the "Null Class Error" that is then removed(which causes the error) This was tested and proven by using "cleric" as a class, and deleting all other classes, and then clicking the Up arrow to level up cleric. I became a 0th level Cleric (shown on page) without the ability to do any level ups (even when typing or adding multi-class) This is a Shaped Sheet problem, not on my end. Also if you want barbarian as a multi-class, please select ANYTHING else but barb, then back to barb, then type in the level (again not clicking anywhere) &nbsp;or it will also be broken. (if the Hit Die is WRONG - change that LAST)
Kryx said: Can you please provide a screenshot of the output with you hovering the critical damage added and a screenshot of the spell in edit mode? This seems doubtful as this area shouldn't be affected. And crits only happen on attacks.. Finally got to my PC and looks like he deleted all the crit info. I can send him a message and hopefully he will post something here. I doubt he took a screenshot.&nbsp;
OK, I guess the player is too shy to post or something, but I looked at a different character's sheet (bladesinger) and saw this: Must be what the other wizard was talking about. Crit field is populated. &nbsp;I'm thinking though, even if they did get populated, does it matter? It won't actually roll that extra damage unless an attack roll goes off, right? Yet, it is a bit weird it got put in there.

Edited 1480645506
KS Backer
Must be what the other wizard was talking about. Crit field is populated. I'm thinking though, even if they did get populated, does it matter? It won't actually roll that extra damage unless an attack roll goes off, right? Yet, it is a bit weird it got put in there. I may be wrong, but I believe that crit damage is always auto filled in. With the most recent update to the spell section, when things got moved around it may have re-filled that field in during the update. However as you said, unless the attack field in enabled and it rolls a crit the crit damage should never apply so there is never really a reason to worry about it as it will never hurt. Ice knife is the one special case where you don't want the crit damage for on of the damages.
Just posting here as well. It looks like damage rolls may be broken. As long as the damage (1 or 2) section is checked it causes syntax errors on the macro. I've already submitted a bug about this in the bug tracker.

Edited 1480646218
KS Backer
Just posting here as well. It looks like damage rolls may be broken. As long as the damage (1 or 2) section is checked it causes syntax errors on the macro. I've already submitted a bug about this in the bug tracker. Looking at the screenshot, it seems that based on the atk and damage not being there is the gray bar that it is the known issue with attacks that exist at the moment. Drag and drop an weapon from the compendium onto the attack then edit it as you want as a work around until the fix goes up.

Edited 1480647881
Posted to the Issue Tracker but added here just incase. If the roll setting is set to roll2, the rolltemplate displays the error in the image below when Initiative is rolled. This happens on both new sheets and sheets upgraded from lower versions. Current version 7.3.7
Ah yep. We got that error last night too, Liam. I forgot to post it.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kisser, please post a reproduction path on the issue tracker. Though if Vanakoji can't reproduce it then I expect it may be difficult for me to as well. Liam, I replied on the issue tracker.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
version 7.3.9 released
Kryx said: Liam, I replied on the issue tracker. Replied there as seems there is still a slight issue (looks to be the same on your test campaign as well)
Brent, this subject would likely be better posted on the forum post for the script itself <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... they are two separate pieces of coding, Kryx handles the sheet, Lucian handles the script. Thanks! I wasn't aware there were two separate threads. I'll poke around over there.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kryx said: version 7.3.9 released Please see the new thread for further discussion. :)