EDIT: Solved, I'm an idiot and moved the token to the DL layer by accident. This hides it if you are viewing any other layer.
D&D 5E, Lost Mine of Phandelver module.
I was modifying the dynamic lighting in the Redbrand Hideout of the LMoP module. I have a test token I use to move around to test the lighitng, both with CTRL+L and the "re-join as player" button.
I did a re-join as player, was on the wrong page/map, so re-joined as GM, then when I switched back to the hideout... the light for my test token was still showing the but the token disappeared! See attached image to see what I mean. There's literally nothing in this room that should be producing that light and there's token or anythign I can click on to remove it.
I have tried selecting all over, I tried ensuring the map graphic was in the lowest layer, I tried re-adding my test token.... I can't seem to add the test token OR remove this light source.
This isn't game-break but it is annoying and I'd like to fix it (or know what mistake i made?)
Thanks for any help!

D&D 5E, Lost Mine of Phandelver module.
I was modifying the dynamic lighting in the Redbrand Hideout of the LMoP module. I have a test token I use to move around to test the lighitng, both with CTRL+L and the "re-join as player" button.
I did a re-join as player, was on the wrong page/map, so re-joined as GM, then when I switched back to the hideout... the light for my test token was still showing the but the token disappeared! See attached image to see what I mean. There's literally nothing in this room that should be producing that light and there's token or anythign I can click on to remove it.
I have tried selecting all over, I tried ensuring the map graphic was in the lowest layer, I tried re-adding my test token.... I can't seem to add the test token OR remove this light source.
This isn't game-break but it is annoying and I'd like to fix it (or know what mistake i made?)
Thanks for any help!