First of all, my apologies if this is in the incorrect subforum. None of them really seem to be a place to ask questions, this one seemed like the least awkward choice.
Hi everyone. I'm a new GM, fresh out of the box. I led a group of friends through the free module The Master's Vault, and aside from a few mishaps(as were expected) everyone enjoyed it. Now I'm looking into making a full campaign. But because I don't exactly have a steady income to buy pre-made modules, and am not the kind of person who can pull a full campaign out of thin air, I was looking into recreating one of my favorites on roll20: Shadows of Undrentide from the 2002 game Neverwinter Nights. But after making all my notes, the thought occurred to me: Is this legal, or is it infringement of intellectual property rights?
I would be making the game entirely from scratch, using the tools provided by Roll20 and free images and tools from the internet. The campaign would follow the general structure of SoU, with overall the same story, but on an individual scale completely of my own making with guidance from the original. Conversations with NPCs beyond the opening lines would be entirely based between me and the players, and of course everything modified to accommodate a party of 4-5 characters rather than a single person. Beyond filling up my desktop with notepads and my folders with downloaded free images from the internet, there's nothing; no game on roll20, nothing built, only things planned.
So the real question is: Is this parody, and thus legal, or is it an infringement on intellectual property rights? It would be very helpful if someone who knows what they're talking about can respond and tell me to go for it, or to back off and tell my players that I can't do it for the legal reasons.
Hi everyone. I'm a new GM, fresh out of the box. I led a group of friends through the free module The Master's Vault, and aside from a few mishaps(as were expected) everyone enjoyed it. Now I'm looking into making a full campaign. But because I don't exactly have a steady income to buy pre-made modules, and am not the kind of person who can pull a full campaign out of thin air, I was looking into recreating one of my favorites on roll20: Shadows of Undrentide from the 2002 game Neverwinter Nights. But after making all my notes, the thought occurred to me: Is this legal, or is it infringement of intellectual property rights?
I would be making the game entirely from scratch, using the tools provided by Roll20 and free images and tools from the internet. The campaign would follow the general structure of SoU, with overall the same story, but on an individual scale completely of my own making with guidance from the original. Conversations with NPCs beyond the opening lines would be entirely based between me and the players, and of course everything modified to accommodate a party of 4-5 characters rather than a single person. Beyond filling up my desktop with notepads and my folders with downloaded free images from the internet, there's nothing; no game on roll20, nothing built, only things planned.
So the real question is: Is this parody, and thus legal, or is it an infringement on intellectual property rights? It would be very helpful if someone who knows what they're talking about can respond and tell me to go for it, or to back off and tell my players that I can't do it for the legal reasons.