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Referencing Generic Token Bars

I'm curious if I can, and if so how. By Bars I mean the three circles and their corresponding meters that all tokens can be set with. I wanted to set one of them to be the creature's Basic Attack Bonus so I can ref that with a one click weapon macro. So is it possible? Or do I have to link it to a default character representing the creature type itself?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Sure you can. You can treat the bars as attributes named "bar1", "bar2", and "bar3" when using the @{selected|...} or @{target|...} syntax. The token doesn't have to be representing a character. So, for example: @{selected|bar1} / @{selected|bar1|max} ([[round(@{selected|bar1} / @{selected|bar1|max} * 100)]]%) would display something like 12 / 75 (16%) .
Honestly didn't think it would be that simple, thanks! :)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You can also use @{selected|token_name} if you're looking to make generic macros for tokens not representing characters. =)
Andrew C
Marketplace Creator
Oh, and also remember that Bars can take all sorts of text, including macro text if you REALLY want to get ambitious.
@{target|token_name} has @{target|bar3} / @{target|bar3|max} ([[round((@{target|bar3}/@{target|bar3|max})*100)]]%) Remaining! ^gives me the folowing errors: No attribute was found for @{TARGET:bar3|max} No attribute was found for @{TARGET:bar3|max} SyntaxError: Expected "[" but "A" found. Did I mess it up?
Scott C.
Forum Champion
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Using the target keyword has a special syntax when referencing the max value of an attribute:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
ahh, awesome, thanks
Scott C.
Forum Champion
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Your welcome, happy rolling; it's been fun bouncing between threads with you ;)
@Brian So just for fun I plugged in your little example marco and tried it and got a rather large and confusing error: SyntaxError: Expected "(", ".", "[", "abs(", "ceil(", "d", "floor(", "round(", "t", "{", [ |\t], [+|\-] or [0-9] but "/" found. So what exactly does this point to as the problem?
Scott C.
Forum Champion
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Compendium Curator
Do you have anything in the bars? if not, then it would probably give that error. I think that it is messing up in this way: @{selected|bar1} / @{selected|bar1|max} ([[round( @{selected|bar1} / @{selected|bar1|max} * 100)]]%) The bolded area needs bar1 and its max to resolve to a number. If bar1 is empty then the equation resolves to this: &nbsp;/ &nbsp;([[round( &nbsp;/ &nbsp; * 100)]]%) The round function needs numbers to act on, and here the first non space character it finds is a slash, which is not valid unless it is part of a numerical expression (e.g. 5/4).
Ah that's it! I keep forgetting the Bars are 3, 2, 1 left to right not 1, 2, 3, that always trips me up, it works fine with the correct bar in place of bar 1.
Scott C.
Forum Champion
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They're actually 3, 1, 2 left to right.
Indeed they are, still really frustrating. Tell me is there mayhap a good reason why the Roll20 Devs decided to do it that way? Or was it just a simple oversight?
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
No idea, but I do agree.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Jake W. said: Indeed they are, still really frustrating. Tell me is there mayhap a good reason why the Roll20 Devs decided to do it that way? Or was it just a simple oversight? The bar order is designed for players. For example, if the GM only has bar 1 visible, it's centered for the player's view. If only bars 1 & 2 are visible, the order is 1, 2 and it's right-aligned. It's only weird if you can see all three bars.