I have been working on a macro to combine saving throws based off [advantage | disadvantage] rolls. The problem is iI want to use the results off of 1 roll rather than a roll for each ability mod. I have gotten this far, showing the roll results and the individual mod stats, but can't get the mod numbers to add to the roll results: /w gm &{template:default} {{name=Saving Throws}} {{roll=[[1d20]] | [[1d20]]}} {{Str Save= +[[0 + @{npcd_str_mod}]] | [[0 + @{npcd_str_mod}]]}} {{Dex Save= +[[0+@{npcd_dex_mod}]] | [[0 + @{npcd_dex_mod}]]}} {{Con Save= +[[0+@{npcd_con_mod}]] | [[0 + @{npcd_con_mod}]]}} {{Int Save= +[[0+@{npcd_int_mod}]] | [[0 + @{npcd_int_mod}]]}} {{Wis Save= +[[0+@{npcd_wis_mod}]] | [[0 + @{npcd_wis_mod}]]}} {{Cha Save= +[[0+@{npcd_cha_mod}]] | [[0 + @{npcd_cha_mod}]]}} Saving Throws Roll 17 | 18 Str Save +0 | 0 Dex Save +0 | 0 Con Save +1 | 1 Int Save +1 | 1 Wis Save +3 | 3 Cha Save +1 | 1 It seems I am close. Is it even possible? Thank you.