Is there a way to update state var dynamically? I am trying to store character id numbers in a state var by I need to add and remove then as the party changes. Here is move code: on("ready", function () { "use strict"; if (!state.XP_Tracker) { state.XP_Tracker = { Version: '0.1', Config: {}, PoolIDs: {}, PoolCount: 0 }; }; log("XP Tracker Version " + state.XP_Tracker.Version + " is now ready."); }); AddTokentoXPPool = function (msg) { var CharID = GetTokenCharID(msg); _.each(CharID, function (Id) { // The line below is where I thing my problem is. Id is a character id number. state.XP_Tracker.PoolIDs[Id] = GetCharName(Id); state.XP_Tracker.PoolCount++; }); }