Can you try again with the newest version? I messed up by using an old version of a function in the --showaverage code.eastwood said:
Ok, with the new update, I get this error:
Can you try again with the newest version? I messed up by using an old version of a function in the --showaverage code.eastwood said:
Ok, with the new update, I get this error:
Jakob said:
Can you try again with the newest version? I messed up by using an old version of a function in the --showaverage code.
!group-check {{ --Dexterity Save --button PressMe !command ~ids IDS(,) ~results RESULTS(,) ~someotheroption }}
Alexey said:
I found out that for NPCs in 5e OGL this macro doesn't actually rolls their special Saving Throws and skills - those that are written in their sheet other than calculated as d20+(Stat-10)/2. For example for Assassin token it will roll stealth as d20+(16-10)/2=d20+3, but in its sheet it is written that its Stealt Skill is +6. This is calculated normally for Player Characters however. Is there any way to fix it or maybe it is something wrong with my version (1.1)?
Jakob said:
Alexey said:
I found out that for NPCs in 5e OGL this macro doesn't actually rolls their special Saving Throws and skills - those that are written in their sheet other than calculated as d20+(Stat-10)/2. For example for Assassin token it will roll stealth as d20+(16-10)/2=d20+3, but in its sheet it is written that its Stealt Skill is +6. This is calculated normally for Player Characters however. Is there any way to fix it or maybe it is something wrong with my version (1.1)?
Urgh, why do sheet creators make separate attributes for NPCs? I'll see what I can do.
Thanks for the praise!Alexey said:
Jakob said:
Alexey said:
I found out that for NPCs in 5e OGL this macro doesn't actually rolls their special Saving Throws and skills - those that are written in their sheet other than calculated as d20+(Stat-10)/2. For example for Assassin token it will roll stealth as d20+(16-10)/2=d20+3, but in its sheet it is written that its Stealt Skill is +6. This is calculated normally for Player Characters however. Is there any way to fix it or maybe it is something wrong with my version (1.1)?
Urgh, why do sheet creators make separate attributes for NPCs? I'll see what I can do.
Thanks a lot! Anyway the script is marvellous! I use it for party stealth checks and saves. Great job!
eastwood said:
Sorry to be the bringer of more bad news, but I don't think this is working anymore with the new shaped sheet update. It's now at 7.3.7 and this script just outputs an empty box with the normal title. I'll post a screenshot and get you version numbers and a reproduction path when I get back to my conpiter
'5E-OGL' : { 'Strength Save': { 'name' : 'Strength Saving Throw', 'formula' : '[[d20 + (1-%npc%)*%strength_save_bonus% + %globalsavemod% + %npc_str_save%]]' }, 'Dexterity Save': { 'name' : 'Dexterity Saving Throw', 'formula' : '[[d20 + (1-%npc%)*%dexterity_save_bonus% + %globalsavemod% + %npc_dex_save%]]' }, 'Constitution Save': { 'name' : 'Constitution Saving Throw', 'formula' : '[[d20 + (1-%npc%)*%constitution_save_bonus% + %globalsavemod% + %npc_con_save%]]' }, 'Intelligence Save': { 'name' : 'Intelligence Saving Throw', 'formula' : '[[d20 + (1-%npc%)*%intelligence_save_bonus% + %globalsavemod% + %npc_int_save%]]' }, 'Wisdom Save': { 'name' : 'Wisdom Saving Throw', 'formula' : '[[d20 + (1-%npc%)*%wisdom_save_bonus% + %globalsavemod% + %npc_wis_save%]]' }, 'Charisma Save': { 'name' : 'Charisma Saving Throw', 'formula' : '[[d20 + (1-%npc%)*%charisma_save_bonus% + %globalsavemod% + %npc_cha_save%]]' }, 'Strength Check': { 'name' : 'Strength Check', 'formula' : '[[d20 + %strength_mod%]]' }, 'Dexterity Check': { 'name' : 'Dexterity Check', 'formula' : '[[d20 + %dexterity_mod%]]' }, 'Constitution Check': { 'name' : 'Constitution Check', 'formula' : '[[d20 + %constitution_mod%]]' }, 'Intelligence Check': { 'name' : 'Intelligence Check', 'formula' : '[[d20 + %intelligence_mod%]]' }, 'Wisdom Check': { 'name' : 'Wisdom Check', 'formula' : '[[d20 + %wisdom_mod%]]' }, 'Charisma Check': { 'name' : 'Charisma Check', 'formula' : '[[d20 + %charisma_mod%]]' }, 'Acrobatics': { 'name' : 'Dexterity (Acrobatics) Check', 'formula' : '[[d20 + (1-%npc%)*%acrobatics_bonus% + %npc_acrobatics%]]' }, 'Animal Handling': { 'name' : 'Wisdom (Animal Handling) Check', 'formula' : '[[d20 + (1-%npc%)*%animal_handling_bonus% + %npc_animal_handling%]]' }, 'Arcana': { 'name' : 'Intelligence (Arcana) Check', 'formula' : '[[d20 + (1-%npc%)*%arcana_bonus% + %npc_arcana%]]' }, 'Athletics': { 'name' : 'Strength (Athletics) Check', 'formula' : '[[d20 + (1-%npc%)*%athletics_bonus% + %npc_athletics%]]' }, 'Deception': { 'name' : 'Charisma (Deception) Check', 'formula' : '[[d20 + (1-%npc%)*%deception_bonus% + %npc_deception%]]' }, 'History': { 'name' : 'Intelligence (History) Check', 'formula' : '[[d20 + (1-%npc%)*%history_bonus% + %npc_history%]]' }, 'Insight': { 'name' : 'Wisdom (Insight) Check', 'formula' : '[[d20 + (1-%npc%)*%insight_bonus% + %npc_insight%]]' }, 'Intimidation': { 'name' : 'Charisma (Intimidation) Check', 'formula' : '[[d20 + (1-%npc%)*%intimidation_bonus% + %npc_intimidation%]]' }, 'Investigation': { 'name' : 'Intelligence (Investigation) Check', 'formula' : '[[d20 + (1-%npc%)*%investigation_bonus% + %npc_investigation%]]' }, 'Medicine': { 'name' : 'Wisdom (Medicine) Check', 'formula' : '[[d20 + (1-%npc%)*%medicine_bonus% + %npc_medicine%]]' }, 'Nature': { 'name' : 'Intelligence (Nature) Check', 'formula' : '[[d20 + (1-%npc%)*%nature_bonus% + %npc_nature%]]' }, 'Perception': { 'name' : 'Wisdom (Perception) Check', 'formula' : '[[d20 + (1-%npc%)*%perception_bonus% + %npc_perception%]]' }, 'Performance': { 'name' : 'Charisma (Performance) Check', 'formula' : '[[d20 + (1-%npc%)*%performance_bonus% + %npc_performance%]]' }, 'Persuasion': { 'name' : 'Charisma (Persuasion) Check', 'formula' : '[[d20 + (1-%npc%)*%athletics_bonus% + %npc_athletics%]]' }, 'Religion': { 'name' : 'Intelligence (Religion) Check', 'formula' : '[[d20 + (1-%npc%)*%religion_bonus% + %npc_religion%]]' }, 'Sleight of Hand': { 'name' : 'Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) Check', 'formula' : '[[d20 + (1-%npc%)*%sleight_of_hand_bonus% + %npc_sleight_of_hand%]]' }, 'Stealth': { 'name' : 'Dexterity (Stealth) Check', 'formula' : '[[d20 + (1-%npc%)*%stealth_bonus% + %npc_stealth%]]' }, 'Survival': { 'name' : 'Wisdom (Survival) Check', 'formula' : '[[d20 + (1-%npc%)*%survival_bonus% + %npc_survival%]]' }, 'AC' : { 'name' : 'Armor Class', 'formula' : '%AC%' } },
/w gm !group-check --process --showaverage --whisperSo anyway, this is only a problem in one of my games, the others are running it just fine.
Jakob said:
What is the output of !group-check-config --show ?
Well, have you imported anything in that game?I'm not sure what you mean by this. Are you referring to NPC's ?
!group-check-config --import 5E-Shapedfirst to populate the list of checks. You must have done that at some point in the other games as well :).
Jakob said:
That's not what I meant. You need to run!group-check-config --import 5E-Shaped
!apply-damage --type [TYPE] --ids [IDLIST] --saves [SAVELIST] --DC [DC] --dmg [DMG] --bar [1|2|3]Here, [TYPE] is half for half damage on save or none for no damage on a save; [IDLIST] is a comma-separated list of token ids, [SAVELIST] is a comma-separated list of their saves, in the same order, [DC] is the save DC, [DMG] is the damage to apply (may be given as an inline roll), and the --bar option specifices the bar to apply the damage to. [TYPE] defaults to half, [DC] defaults to -1, and the default bar is 1.
!group-check {{ --Dexterity Save --process --subheader vs DC ?{DC} --button ApplyDamage !apply-damageOutput:
~dmg [[?{Damage}]] ~type ?{Damage on Save|Half,half|None,none} ~DC ?{DC} ~saves RESULTS(,) ~ids IDS(,) }}
!group-check --die 0d0 --custom Passive Perception,repeating_skill_$11_passiveBut all I'm getting in the chat response is:
Giant Spider 1 repeating_skill_$11_passiveI'm using the Shaped sheet. What am I doing wrong?
!group-check --custom Passive Perception, %repeating_skill_$11_passive%
!group-check-config --add { "Passive Perception" : { "name" : "Passive Perception", "formula" : "%repeating_skill_$11_passive%" } }
Something went wrong with the roll. The command you tried was:
!group-check --whisper --Persuasion
The error message generated by Roll20 is:
Indeed, it seems to be a backend change in how rolls are parsed by Roll20.Gary said:
Hi Jakob - having a small problem with the script and the 5e OGL settings. With completely stock options, I get this on pretty much every check:Error
Something went wrong with the roll. The command you tried was:
Cannot mix sum and success rolls in a single roll expression
!group-check --whisper --Persuasion
The error message generated by Roll20 is:
Any ideas? Maybe roll20 switched something in the backend?
Gary W. said:
Jakob have you used this script with shaped sheet 9? I think that should go live soon.
eastwood said:
So I finally got time to check out the newest version of this and WOW!
This is just great! No more applying damage to 1 mob at a time over and over again!
Thanks Jakob!
Side Question: Is there a setting to not have the bar go negative when over-kill happens?
newValue = Math.max(parseInt(token.get(bar)) - dmg, 0); newValue = Math.max(parseInt(token.get(bar)) - Math.floor(dmg / 2), 0);
Thanks for the detailed report! You are adding the --status red as "~status red" together with the other apply damage options, right? Just double-checking before I delve deeper into this.Arno said:
Thanks Jakob! Testing report:
- Damage now updates instantly, which is great.
- "healthStopsAtZero = true", works, yay.
- Animations from HealthColors do not play yet.
- Red cross from HealthColors does not appear on 0 HP tokens.
- I am using "--status red" but red status is not appearing on failed saves. Manually setting "red" is still working.
ps. List of my enabled scripts:
G Critical
G GroupInitiative
G TokenNameNumber
G Aura/Tint HealthColors
G GroupCheck
G Vector Math
G MatrixMath
G Path Math
G Torch
No Token Rotation
G 5th Edition OGL by Roll20 Companion
I tried to do that, but apparently I failed :). I'll check again.SkyCaptainXIII said:
HealthColors won't play animations or adjust the icon status of a token based on changes from a script unless you send that information to the HealthColors script.