Powercards is a great API script to use; it was originally designed for 4e, although it's more generalized now. Here's a very short script for automatically setting statusmarkers based on the bar values of the token. I think it's on the wiki somewhere, but it's not a one-click install script. This version was slightly modified by me to add the "exact" option: /**
* Set various token markers based on bar cur/max ratios
* The CONFIG array can have any number of configuration objects. These objects
* are processed in order.
* barId - The ID of the bar to look at the values for; [1, 2, 3]
* barRatio - The ratio of bar value to max value that triggers setting the
* status marker; [0 - 1] if exact=false, any number when exact=true
* status - Name of the status marker to toggle; [red, blue, green, brown,
* purple, dead, etc.]
* whenLow - The state of the marker when the bar value is <= the ratio; [true,
* false]
* exact - whether to treat barRatio as a percentage or exact value; [true,
* false]
var statusManager = statusManager || {};
statusManager.CONFIG = [
{barId: 3, barRatio: .75, status: 'red', whenLow: true},
{barId: 3, barRatio: .25, status: 'purple', whenLow: true},
{barId: 3, barRatio: 5, status: 'black-flag', whenLow: true, exact: true},
{barId: 3, barRatio: 0, status: 'skull', whenLow: true}];
on('change:token', function(obj) {
statusManager.CONFIG.forEach(function(opts) {
var maxValue = parseInt(obj.get('bar' + opts.barId + '_max'));
var curValue = parseInt(obj.get('bar' + opts.barId + '_value'));
var markerName = 'status_' + opts.status;
if(curValue != NaN)
obj.set(markerName, opts.whenLow && (curValue <= opts.barRatio));
else if (maxValue != NaN)
obj.set(markerName, opts.whenLow && (curValue <= (maxValue * opts.barRatio)));
The above value for CONFIG is designed for an Unknown Armies campaign, where characters get penalties to attribute rolls at 75% health and 25% health (red an purple dots in this implementation, respectively), go unconscious at 5 health or below (black flag) regardless of what percentage that is (which is why I had to add the "exact" option), and die at 0 health. Here, health is being tracked on bar3 A CONFIG value suitable for 4e could be: statusManager.CONFIG = [
{barId: 1, barRatio: .5, status: 'red', whenLow: true},
{barId: 1, barRatio: 0, status: 'dead', whenLow: true}];
This would mark a token bloody at 50% and dead at 0% health, using bar1 to track health. This script will automatically remove a status when it no longer applies (eg, removes the bloodied marker when the character is healed above 50%). If you create a status with whenLow: false , you'll be able to have a marker appear only when the bar is above a certain value, instead of below a value.