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[5e Shaped] 7.12.1

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Along the lines of Vanakoji's suggestion, a repeating section with a description field and summed field (like equipment weight or wealth) would be great for tracking xp awards, especially if the total was reflected in the character xp field.
Added a minor feature request

Edited 1482544934
One additional Suggestion from my side: One thing that has always bothered me a little bit is that i find the features & Traits section on the core page a little bit hard to organize in your head especially if you have a lot of entries. The condense feature, although how great it is, does make it even harder to remember all the names of your class and race features and what they do etc. The entrable and clickable features are honestly my favourite Feature of the Sheet, and i would like to see it enhanced (in my opinion) and a bit more organized. What i would propose is to split them up into four repeating subsections: 1. Racial Traits 2. Class Features (Including the newly added section for togglable Class Features like Jack of all Trades) 3. Feats (Optional Section togglable via the options menu) 4. Other Features & Traits
zerosius said: One additional Suggestion from my side: One thing that has always bothered me a little bit is that i find the features & Traits section on the core page a little bit hard to organize in your head especially if you have a lot of entries. The condense feature, although how great it is, does make it even harder to remember all the names of your class and race features and what they do etc. The entrable and clickable features are honestly my favourite Feature of the Sheet, and i would like to see it enhanced (in my opinion) and a bit more organized. What i would propose is to split them up into four repeating subsections: 1. Racial Traits 2. Class Features (Including the newly added section for togglable Class Features like Jack of all Trades) 3. Feats (Optional Section togglable via the options menu) 4. Other Features & Traits I think having them in separate sections would add unnecessary complexity and make it much more difficult for parsing entries when importing/updating (assuming this information would even be available in srd/json/etc).  Maybe instead add a toggle that defines what "type" it is, then allow for filtering (similar to spell filtering) by "type" would work?
Kevin said: I think having them in separate sections would add unnecessary complexity and make it much more difficult for parsing entries when importing/updating (assuming this information would even be available in srd/json/etc).  Maybe instead add a toggle that defines what "type" it is, then allow for filtering (similar to spell filtering) by "type" would work? My players use the reorder feature to group them. You can even make a trait that serves no purpose than a label. E.g. RACIAL TRAITS Darkvision Etc. CLASS ABILITIES foo bar qux FEATS & OTHERS foo bar qux
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TheWebCoder said: Darkvision This was on the character tab, but is more apparent on the core page in 8.0.0. Easier to do it there. :) I'm inclined to agree with Kevin - separating them into defined sections adds unneeded complexity.
Kryx said: I'm inclined to agree with Kevin - separating them into defined sections adds unneeded complexity. I see what you mean, although personally i like the sheet for its complexity and all the options. But that is of course not neccessarily the direction you want the sheet to head into. Would it maybe still be possible to have a kind of sorting system, with us being able to check a box with what kind of feature or trait it is, and it then appearing in purely cosmetic subsections? Like the different sections for spells of different levels for example.

Edited 1482684393
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Sheets are unable to sort repeating sections. I have an idea to sort them which requires parsing all their data, deleting them, sorting them, and then re-adding them, but if I ever get around to that I'd want to do skills and spells first. That process isn't super easy.

Edited 1482709393
Kryx said: TheWebCoder said: Darkvision This was on the character tab, but is more apparent on the core page in 8.0.0. Easier to do it there. :) I'm inclined to agree with Kevin - separating them into defined sections adds unneeded complexity. Yeah, that was just to serve as an example that with the existing functionality there's a work around to kind of "sort" different types of traits.
I rather like the the vision and speed information on the core page. I also like the recent changes to the character page. Can't say that I'm in favor of removing the character page, so I'm glad its staying. I like having more fields for information about the character. Would be nice to have the different speeds all visible as part of the the speed display at the top center of the c=core page, but that would make it all small so, maybe just speed and climb?
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BP said: Would be nice to have the different speeds all visible as part of the the speed display at the top center of the c=core page, but that would make it all small so, maybe just speed and climb? That area is too small to hold all the speeds, unfortunately.
Hello Kryx. First of all, thanks for putting in so much work in the sheets, it's clearly paying off! I'd really like to start using your sheets over the OGL ones. I've noticed however that conversion doesn't go well, sheets are missing a lot of options, and spellcasting only produces empty spells. Am I doing something wrong, is this a known issue, or is that just the way it is due to system limitations?

Edited 1482775057
Arne K. said: Hello Kryx. First of all, thanks for putting in so much work in the sheets, it's clearly paying off! I'd really like to start using your sheets over the OGL ones. I've noticed however that conversion doesn't go well, sheets are missing a lot of options, and spellcasting only produces empty spells. Am I doing something wrong, is this a known issue, or is that just the way it is due to system limitations? OGL -> Shaped conversion is something that Kryx is working on but as he doesn't use OGL himself, other users of the sheet have been letting him know what needs to be converted still. Best thing is to post an issue on Kryx's  issue tracker noting the fields that don't convert. Regarding empty spells, are you talking about when you drag a monster from the compendium? Monsters created that way only provide the spell names, not the details, you need to drag the spells from the compendium too to overwrite the blank ones / use the Companion script to replace the spells / type the details in manually. That's a roll20 limitation, not the sheet.
Arne K. said: I'd really like to start using your sheets over the OGL ones. I've noticed however that conversion doesn't go well, sheets are missing a lot of options, and spellcasting only produces empty spells. Another approach is to duplicate your campaign, switch the new campaign to Shaped, and copy/paste over your sheets. Spells and equipment can dropped in from the SRD, making it quicker.
Webcoder, Liam, thanks for your suggestions. When it comes to spellcasting, I meant converting a player with spells from OGL to Shaped. In the issue tracker it seems this is / might be fixed in version 8 of the sheet. As for your suggestion TheWebCoder, I realize that's an option, but I have around 300 NPC's statted in OGL, and that's more effort than it's worth.
Sheet Author
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Hi Arne, NPCs should convert without issue in 95% of cases. Some monsters may have some edge cases that I'm unaware of - if so please let me know. Nothing around OGL conversion has likely changed in 8.0.0 so if you're experiencing an issue with a creature not converting properly please do open an issue for me. For PCs you're expected to do it all manually as there are only a few PCs per game. I'd recommend starting a new fresh sheet for each. For spells you can either use the SRD or the companion script to add them to the sheets.
Arne K. said: I'd really like to start using your sheets over the OGL ones. I've noticed however that conversion doesn't go well, sheets are missing a lot of options, and spellcasting only produces empty spells. I spent quite a while convinced that it would be too much work to convert a campaign that's been running for three years by hand so I was waiting for the automated conversion to get close to perfect.  After switch character sheets a couple of times and testing conversions I decided it is better to just start a new campaign and copy (transmogrify) pages and handouts from the old one then re-create all the character sheets from scratch.  This avoids strange things that happen when attributes from the old sheet interfere with the new one, and it avoids having a long list of attributes that don't apply to the new sheet causing confusion.  With the "Shaped Character Sheet Companion Script", importing monsters and spells is very fast and the setup for a new character is surprisingly fast.  Start by assuming most things you want on the PC sheet can be pulled in by the companion script or drag-n-drop from the SRD - that will save a lot of time and typing.
Hello! I have a suggestion regarding item uses. Would be great to have a field measuring how much a use of an item weighs. This way you can have a Waterskin which weighs 1 lb. but every use of Waterskin weighs 0,8 lb. This way when a Waterskin with 5 uses is full would weigh 5 lb. and 1 lb. when its empty.
Sarkamist said: Hello! I have a suggestion regarding item uses. Would be great to have a field measuring how much a use of an item weighs. This way you can have a Waterskin which weighs 1 lb. but every use of Waterskin weighs 0,8 lb. This way when a Waterskin with 5 uses is full would weigh 5 lb. and 1 lb. when its empty. Workaround: You could bump the quantity up to 5 and make the weight 1lb if you were interested in tracking weight at a granular level.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
TheWebCoder said: Workaround: You could bump the quantity up to 5 and make the weight 1lb if you were interested in tracking weight at a granular level. This is the way it should be done imo.
Githzerai Zerth Innate Spellcasting did not come over cleanly when opening a sheet last opened in 6.x in 7.12.2. He ended up with Cantrips: Mage Hand At will: Mage Hand (the hand is invisible) [That entire thing is really the way the cantrip is named] Feather Fall Jump See Invisibility Shield 1st-level: Feather Fall Jump Shield 2nd-level: See Invisibility For giggles I re-imported him (!shaped-import-monster --Githzerai Zerth), and I see "processing NPC from SRD", then the same thing happens to the spells. I think something's up with the innate spellcasting parse.
"Expand/Contract" works opposite to what I'd expect. "Expand" when clicked gets me a sheet with a subset of features (attacks, spells, armor, equipment, HP, AC, death saves, rests, a couple others), click "Contract" and I get the full sheet. I'd expect it to behave exactly the other way around.
No immediately obvious issues with 8.0.0, PC spells all seem to function. Is there something in particular you'd like us to bang on / test?
Thorsten B. said: "Expand/Contract" works opposite to what I'd expect. "Expand" when clicked gets me a sheet with a subset of features (attacks, spells, armor, equipment, HP, AC, death saves, rests, a couple others), click "Contract" and I get the full sheet. I'd expect it to behave exactly the other way around. "Expand" makes the middle column stretch to fill the full width of the sheet and removes the left and right columns, "Contract" makes the middle column scale back to the middle. It is working as intended
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Re Gith Zerth: I messed up the duplication detection as of&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... which didn't trim the spaces properly. This is fixed for acolyte, but for the Zerth is processing differently. I've reopened&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to look at it. Expand/Contract is as described above.
Sheet Author
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Resolved for innate spellcasters:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
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New thread:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>