Hey there! My name is Jason, I am 32 years old and have been playing Pathfinder on roll20 for over 4 years now as both a player and a GM. I like to play and create interesting characters for games which leads me to lean a little more towards RPing types of games rather then just combat. However this doesn't mean I am against dungeon crawl type of games. I usually think outside the box when solving problems and often tend to like a nice mix of both role play and combat in my games. I would absolutly love to get into a pirate themed game, but I am good with any type so long as we use the Pathfinder system. I am looking to get into another game, hopefully starting at around 7-8PM EST or slightly later. The days I have open are Mondays - Thursday & Sunday . When designing a character for a game I usually like to know a bit about the kind of game that is going to be played, what the other players want to play as, and then base my choices on what would work best for the party. I like to build characters, not power builds, usually basing my choices on my character's choices and interactions. The one thing I pride myself in being is on time, and being these games are done all online, I know this can be a tough thing to get. If I am going to be late, I always give a notice through Skype or email. If I sound like a player you would want in your game, feel free to send me a private message! I am waiting to hear from you.