Edit: Change of plans, and found a DM. Thanks everyone, and sorry if you messaged me and we had already found one! We've currently got a group of 3-5 (waiting on responses from two) looking for a DM for a long term 3.5 campaign. Most of our schedules are very flexible, with the only day that we're not entirely sure of is mid-day Saturday. Most of us are on PST with one being on EST. We all have Skype and are familiar with Roll20. We're all roleplayers, I wouldn't say that we min-max, but we don't do completely off-kilter ideas (no orc mages with 7 int, etc). I know most of us enjoy a good balance of roleplay to combat, so we'd prefer no purely hack 'n slash campaigns. For days, I know Saturday mid-day isn't available, but Saturday evening and Sundays are fine, as well as some weekdays I think, I'll have to check on that one though. Add me on Skype (hayes.grady.m) or Post/Pm me for more details if interested, thanks :D