Scott C. said: The API runs on javascript, which is single threaded. This means it can only do a single thing at a time and similarly, the chat parser handles each line of chat as it's own message and parses it sequentially from top line to bottom line. For a lot of things this doesn't matter as it processes things so fast that you don't notice it is doing things in sequence. In working on my audio script, Roll20AM, I noticed that the API seems to take a fraction of a second or so longer to process play/pause/volume adjust jukebox tracks. While I don't know of any scripts that allow you to add a delay to commands in the way you're talking about, one thing I might suggest is switching the order of your fx and !sfx commands. I have no idea if this will actually have an effect, but it might be worth a shot. EDIT: The other thing to check is your audio file that you are playing. Does it have a delay when you just hit play on it in the jukebox? It has a brief delay which is recorded as silence before the actual sound begins. Tried changing the order, no success as it processes as you said, fairly quick.