&{template:default} {{name=Melee Attack}}
{{Hit:=[[1d20cs>17 + 5[STR] + 10[BAB] +3[WeaponBonus] + ?{AttackMod|0} ]]}}
{{Dmg:=[[1d8 + 5[STR] + 3[WeaponBonus] + ?{DamageMod|0} ]]}}
{{Confirm:=[[1d20 +4[CritFocus] + 5[STR] + 10[BAB] +3[WeaponBonus] + ?{AttackMod|0} ]]}}
{{CritDmg:=[[1d8 + 5[STR] + 3[WeaponBonus] + ?{DamageMod|0} ]]}} Can't get this macro to show up right in the game. I don't really know how to make macros so help would be nice. &{template:default} {{name=Knowledges}}
{{Arcana[[ 1d20 + 20 ]]=**Appraise**[[1d20 + 10]]}}
{{Linguistic[[ 1d20 + 7 +5]]=**Nature**[[1d20 + 15 +1[Book]]]}}
{{Planes[[1d20 + 18 ]]=**Religion**[[ 1d20 + 11 ]] }}
{{Dungeon[[ 1d20 + 7 ]]=**Nobility**[[1d20 + 7 ]]}}
{{Engineer[[ 1d20 + 7 ]]=**History**[[1d20 + 18 +2[Book] ]]}}
{{Geography[[ 1d20 + 11 ]]=**Local**[[1d20 + 11 ]]}} &{template:default} {{name=Conversation}}
{{Bluff[[ 1d20 + 10 ]]=**Diplo**[[ 1d20 + -1 ]]}}
{{Sense Motive[[ 1d20 + 2 ]]=**Intim**[[ 1d20 + -1 ]] }}
&{template:default} {{name=Languages}}
{{*Common, Elven, Read-Lips }} <a href="https://wiki.roll20.net/Macros/Pathfinder_Examples" rel="nofollow">https://wiki.roll20.net/Macros/Pathfinder_Examples</a>... I took these examples and did a test run with them. I cannot not get them to work as intended. Other problems include "TypeError: d is undefined" when I try to input something from the wiki. A lot of my earlier macros from several months ago wont work ether.