&{template:DnD35Attack} {{pcflag=true}} {{name=Club of Beating}} {{attack1=hitting AC [[ 1d20 + [[ @{meleeattackbonus} ]] ]]+[[?{Power Attack | 0,0 | 1,1 | 2,2 | 3,3 | 4,4 | 5,5 | 6,6| 7,0}]] }} {{notes=@{meleeattacknote} }} So this is the result after picking 4 for power attack. I had to create this separately because in D&D 3.5 im using feat called Shock trooper. Heedless charge reduces my AC instead. How do I make it look like this instead? The picture below is just quick edit to show what I want. I still want to select my bab from a list so I can have an easier time doing an attack on my cellphone.