Thanks again. I'm implementing this into my Power Cards set up, and I found something strange. !power {{ --charid|@{character_id} --name|**@{Name} @{TalentName}** --Step|[[ ?{Step|@{TalentStep}-@{Wounds}} ]] + [[ ?{Karma #|0} ]] Karma, [[ ?{Strain #|@{TalentStrain}} ]] Strain --Rolled|**[[ [[{1e3, 8}<[[{?{Step} - 11, 0}kh1 % 11]] + floor([[{?{Step} - 11, 0}kh1]] / 11)]]d20! + [[{2, 4, 5, 6, 7}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]] + {1, 3}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]] + {1e3, 3}=[[{?{Step} - 11, 0}kh1 % 11]] * 2]]d[[{{(?{Step} - 1) * 2, 4}kh1, {12}}kl1]]! + [[{1e3, 8}<[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]] * (1 - {3, 6, 10}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]] + {1, 4, 8}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]])]]d[[10 - {4, 5, 8, 9}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]] * 4]]! + [[{1e3, 8}<[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]] * ({0, 5, 7, 9}=[[{?{Step}, 1}kh1 % 11]] + 2 * {6, 10}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]])]]d8! - [[{1, 2}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]] * (3 - [[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]])]] + ?{Karma #}d@{KarmaDie}! ]]** --?? @{TalentDurationTotal} > 0 ?? Duration| @{TalentDurationTotal} @{TalentDurationIncrement} }} The highlighted brackets at the end seem to make all the difference. Where they are now, everything after the Rolled section shows up as a Chat, not part of the Card (including the brackets themselves). If they're moved to after the Rolled section (no carriage return, but a space is okay), then the card comes out fine.