Update v0.3.6 -- Made attribute lookups case insensitive. (Thanks Black Falcon!)Update v0.3.5 -- Added !wammo command which whispers the output instead of sending it to chat (Thanks Elena S.!)
Update v0.3.4 -- Added resource name and indexed repeating row support (thanks Elena S.!)
- !ammo <character_id> <attribute name> <amount> [resource name]
- character_id -- Usually gotten with @{character_id} while in the character sheet, or could be hard coded, or used with @{selected}
- attribute name -- This is the name of the attribute, no @{ }.
- amount -- usually -1, for using one charge. Can use inline rolls or roll queries to determine it.
- resource name -- Anything else on the command line is used as the name of the resource. Omitting it will use "ammo" instead.
- !wammo <character_id> <attribute name> <amount> [resource name]
- Identical to !ammo, but whispers output
Use one resource from the attribute arrows:!ammo @{character_id} arrows -1

The same thing, but call it an arrow:
!ammo @{character_id} arrows -1 arrow

Recover an arrow:
!ammo @{character_id} arrows 1 arrow

Multi-word resource types are also usable:
!ammo @{character_id} special_magic -3 Vince's mythical flying cat rocket

Inline rolls work:
!ammo @{character_id} variable_stuff -[[1d3]] variable shot

Now with support for repeating rows via index:
!ammo @{character_id} repeating_weapons_$3_weapon_ammo -1 @{repeating_weapons_$3_weapon_ammo_name}
Show the help
!ammo --help

GitHub: https://github.com/shdwjk/Roll20API/blob/master/Am...
Old Thread: https://app.roll20.net/forum/permalink/1034829/
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