Andy B. said: So, my basic questions/concerns are: Performance - How stable is the Shaped sheet? In my limited test it seems that it struggles converting the pre-gen module content. Specifically when pulling in spells on the bestiary sheets. Macros & Token Actions - This is huge. I've grown accustomed to making token action macros for all NPCs and bestiary in the ad-hoc game I'm playing in (thanks to Taking20's YouTube channel). These include Actions, Traits, Reactions, Saves, & Stat Blocks. I've read that the Shaped sheet allows for automation of this via the companion API. Is there a similar script to do this with the OGL? API - Is there a great disparity in the availability of utility scripts for one sheet or the other? It seems as though a lot of great tools are available that will work with both but I might be mistaken. TL:DR - Looking for experienced Roll20 folks to help me compare/contrast the OGL & Shaped sheet. Does the Shaped sheet play nice with the official pre-gen WotC content? Is the difference to subjective to matter? 1. Performance - Speaking from what I know of the development of the Shaped sheet, Kryx does not have access to any of the pre-gen WotC campaigns so the conversions have been worked on through player feedback, meaning that there may be gaps in what converts over correctly. Regarding the spells specifically, Shaped uses more attributes than OGL so it is easier to re-copy over the spells using the compendium or the Shaped companion script where necessary. Compendium & Volo monsters should work fine but the spells in applicable monsters are only stored in name, so you need to fill in the spell data regardless. 2. Macros & Token Actions - The companion script for Shaped does allow for a set of Token Actions to be generated when you either create a monster using the !shaped-monster command, or if you already have a monster/character made, you can apply a set of pre-defined token actions or use commands to add specific ones. As for OGL, beeke01 (not sure if that's his/her roll20 username) did some work on a TokenActions script for it, but there hasn't been any updates to it in almost a year so I'm not sure if it still works. Link is <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> (The Shaped version of their script was rolled into the Shaped companion script). 3. API - Just going off what I use in my Shaped game. I use the Shaped Compendium script (to create monsters, token actions and also use the API functions of the sheet), Aura (which creates an aura around monsters that changes colour to indicate health levels as my PCs attack them) and TokenMod (to easily give my PCs/NPCs torches/lights/vision via a macro and easily change injury statuses, e.g. Charmed/Crippled/etc). I'm also planning to use It's A Trap and group-init in the near future. As far as I am aware, you can use all of the scripts (bar the Shaped script obviously) on OGL as well. Avatar of Woah made a Google Doc with some macros that combine a lot of usage of these scripts (for Shaped, but I'm sure at least some could be modified for OGL) here - <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Hope this helps and feel free to ask any questions :)