Long shot but would there be anyone willing to run a Slasher game, using a more Chronicles of Darkness (new World of Darkness revamped edition) updated version? Either for a group or one-on-one and either as an ongoing chronicle or just a one-shot? I'd be interested in many different playstyles, from a Friday the 13th themed harrowing hunt by a Jason-like Mask rampaging through an old lakeside camp, to a more Dexter-like Avenger affair. I have character ideas I'd like to play for pretty much any of the slasher Undertakings, though I'm more attracted to Avenger/Legend, Brute/Mask or a Freak. If there would be enough interest for a group, it could be a slasher cabal or a mix of "normal" people who are either aware or unaware of the slashers' nature (kind of like a Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter relationship). My schedule is somewhat flexible, though I live in a GMT+2 timezone.