TL:DR - UI Elements (Token names, grid line thickness, status effects, etc) should not scale with the Map Zoom slider. With the licensed WotC products that Roll20 has been releasing, I've noticed a trend to using grid sizes of >1 unit. While that in of itself is not a problem, as it's an excellent way of dealing with maps that don't have a 5' grid on them. The problem is that when you zoom into the map to see the tokens at the same size, the UI elements scale with the map, and you end up with overly large text and status symbols. Here is a picture of what I mean: In this picture, you can see part of the results of a nasty battle with some Frost Giants last Wednesday (don't worry, Xanaphia was reincarnated from an elf to a dwarf). The grid size is set to 1 unit, as it was on a 5' map. In this picture, I've set the grid size to 0.5 units, which is what you might set it as for a 10' map. I scaled all the tokens down so that they would occupy the correct number of grid square for their size. Then I zoomed the map in, so that the tokens would remain the same size. You can see that the token labels, are larger, and starting to occlude each other. The HP bars are overlapping with the text, and the status symbols are nearly as large as the medium sized tokens. Not only that, the grid line thickness has actually increased. Simply put, the UI elements on the maps should not scale with the map zoom slider. You could certainly put a separate slider for UI scaling in the settings tab, or separately for each page. This issue is even worse when you zoom out. I'm sure we've all tried to zoom out on a large map to measure a distance with the ruler, only to find that the text for the ruler is now so small it's unreadable.