D&D3.5 has a few levels of vision, darkvision, low-light vision, normal vision, and so forth. There are also lots of languages. So, the problem is this: How do you describe a room to one group when half or more of them are just staring into 'blackness'? How do you deal with Players 1, 2, & 3 speak High Elven but nobody else does? Solution: Hidden Character Sheets Method 1) For each vision class and language, you create a character and give it a meaningful name (i.e. High Elvish, Darkvision) 2) Create Macros that will send a message to those meaningful names 3) Link each player with that trait as the CONTROLLER of that Hidden Character. (Optional: Allow the players to see it in their Journal). This will bypass problems of sending the same Whisper message to multiple people, and also allows the players to communicate in the group in languages so that a group message can be passed in another language (again bypassing the multi whisper issue).