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Freehand drawing: snap to grid when key held

For making simple line dungeons I think it'd be nice to have an option to snap the freehand drawing tool to the grid, so you could just quickly sketch out aligned walls. Maybe based on holding Ctrl or Shift while drawing. Alternately, a 'polyline' freehand tool that is basically freehand but with an automatic gridsnap built in.
In addition to this, it'd be nice if the tool didn't reset to the pointer tool every time you drew a line, so that you could draw multiple lines without having to swap back to the tool after each one.
For the record, the drawing tools are newer elements to Roll20. These both seem like good ideas and we'll look into them.
KS Backer
Adding on to the resetting the pointer every time you are done, it would also be nice if multiple brushstrokes could be merged into one object. I may want to doodle something a little more complicated than an outline and it would be nice if I could say a bunch of lines were always going to be together. I can simulate that effect by drag selecting all the freehand lines I have drawn, but this would fail if I have multiple multi-part doodles overlapping.
So this is where it was already suggested. My bad! I looked through all the threads and couldn't find anything relevant; this one must have just slipped my eye. Hopefully this feature will get updated soon, as I see it isn't major enough to be on your roadmap. There are certainly other things that need attention more urgently I know, but it would be very helpful regardless. Thanks for listening.