Hello I am very new to macros but i found a sneak attack macro that i was able to fiddle with and modify to use for a hunters mark and rage macro very basic but they work :) the Rage one the value will just have to be adjusted when your damage increases from rage. to implement go to a weapon (im using 5E OGL Sheet) check mark damage 2 copy and paste the following into the spot where the dice roll is. for the rage macro set the crit damage on damage 2 to 0 ?{Hunters Mark|No, 0|Yes, 1d6 [Hunters Mark]} ?{Rage|No, 0|Yes, +2 [Rage]} you will roll your attack and when you go to roll damage it prompts you if you are raging or have hunters mark if you say yes it adds your damage roll for hunters mark and rage adds the base 2. there might be more efficient ways to do this but as i said im pretty new to macros. hope this helps some folks