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Party Initiative + Other Group Macros (Shaped Sheet)

Hey all, I'm trying to figure out a way to, with a single macro, roll initiative for the entire group of PC's and add them all to the tracker. Is this possible, ideally without the need for tokens to be involved? Similarly, I'd like to be able to create macros such as "Passive Perception" or "Passive Insight" that will whisper that passive skill value to me for every party member, again without needing to utilize tokens. Is this possible?
The Aaron
API Scripter
It is not possible to roll all the party into the initiative with a macro alone, particularly with out tokens.  The Turn Order is tied to Tokens, not Characters.  You could get around that by having custom turn entries, but that's really janky. However, it IS possible to roll everyone into the turn order with API scripts, and as a pro subscriber, you have access to that.  I recommend GroupInitiative (not just because I wrote it!).  You can configure it for pretty much any game system (and if you can't, let me know so I can fix it!). As for passive Perception and Insight (I'm guessing you're playing DnD 5e?) it's a matter of knowing what the attribute is named on the character sheet. You would then just access them by character name and whisper it to the GM: /w gm &{template:default}{{name=Passive Insight}}{{Bob=[[10+@{Bob|skill_insight_total}]]}}{{Sally=... Adjusted as needed for your character sheet.
Perfect, thanks Aaron. I still get a bit confused with macros that reference character attributes and when I do and don't need a token. Initiative vs skills being the relevant example.

Edited 1486666695
When it comes to needing a token, apart from the Tracker which The Aaron already mentioned, a token is only needed for a macro when you want to use @{selected|...} or @{target|...}. A good way to ensure that you have a token selected is to make the macro a token action.   A token is not needed for a macro if you are directly referencing a character through the use of its character_id or character_name (for example @{Bob|skill_insight_total} does not require a token because the character, Bob, is being referenced directly). In addition to macros, you can create character abilities. These abilities are created directly in the character sheet for the token. Using these abilities, you can continue to use the same functionality that you would for a global macro (including specifying the ability as a token action), but you do not need to specify the character name in the abilities. You could just use @{dexterity_mod} in the case of the picture above, or @{skill_insight_total} in the case of The Aaron's post above. The downside to this approach is if you have character's on different sheets that you want to be able to use the same ability. Unfortunately you would have to recreate the ability for each character sheet that would use the ability, or consider using the global macro approach and using a selected token.
The Aaron
API Scripter
(Or use my CharUtils script to copy abilities from one character to another... =D )
The Aaron said: (Or use my CharUtils script to copy abilities from one character to another... =D ) I always see that you have a script for everything (just about anyway) do you have a list compiled anywhere. I just did a search for CharUtils but was unsuccessful.
The Aaron
API Scripter
Here is the original CharUtils Forum Post:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... The script is here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... You can look in my repo for all my released scripts:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Those are all in the Official repo (though most aren't in the 1-click because it takes a long time to update them for that and I've not gotten around to it for most of them).