Hello this is a macro that i found that is supposed to go on an individual npcs abilities page as a macro for a specific npc. I am hoping to modify it so i can make it a regular macro in the macros section set as a token action. I was able to do this with several others in the same format but i keep getting this error when i try this one for some reason. "TypeError: Cannot read property 'substring' of undefined". Any help would be much appreciated :) /w gm &{template:default} {{name=Saving Throws}} {{Str Save= [[1d20+@{npcd_str_mod}]] | [[1d20+@{npcd_str_mod}]]}} {{Dex Save= [[1d20+@{npcd_dex_mod}]] | [[1d20+@{npcd_dex_mod}]]}} {{Con Save= [[1d20+@{npcd_con_mod}]] | [[1d20+@{npcd_con_mod}]]}} {{Int Save= [[1d20+@{npcd_int_mod}]] | [[1d20+@{npcd_int_mod}]]}} {{Wis Save= [[1d20+@{npcd_wis_mod}]] | [[1d20+@{npcd_wis_mod}]]}} {{Cha Save= [[1d20+@{npcd_cha_mod}]] | [[1d20+@{npcd_cha_mod}]]}}