A CALL TO ACTION! All recruits report for unit Assignment!! As of 17:00 EST, Intel has spoken of the incoming threat... and that is all you will ever hear of it until you prove yourselves through the gauntlet trials! Come one, come all, whether be yerr own free will, or by Decree of the local Magistrate... and report for enlistment! {end Scene} lol Phase 0.1 To get everyone started, as it will take a few days to build out the timeline for all of this to work out... I want each of you to roll up two, level 1 characters, from within the standard Player's hand book, and Dungeon Master's guide! we will stick to those volumes for now, with room to dable elsewhere as we build momentum!. No class or race restrictions, but absolutely NO chaotic evil alignment,... lol, we are here to have fun, and that means everyone has fun... not just you... Yeah, YOU!!!! you know who i am talking to!... put the +3 sword of sunlight back in the display stand, and get back in line! shessh! LOL you all know what i mean here. This is about having fun, and getting some real game hours logged! So let's do this. two level one characters ready to go in standard 5th edition character sheets... and with any kind of luck , we will have the first batch of adventurers off to prove their worth before the mid week! And i say that with confidence, as i already have all the notes, and maps drawn up for all the content up to level 3! Cheers for now everyone, may the d20's ever be in your favor! StorySmith Race: Class; HP: AC: SPD :Weapon or spell casting focus : ie. long sword and shield, or eldritch blast. PM me full detail character sheets plase