I think that there's always going to be features that I need and use, and features that I don't use. However, just because I don't use a feature, doesn't mean it shoudn't exist.
I think the biggest problem, is that if you look at the extremely varied RPG systems, you need to encompass a lot of different mechanics (I mean, look at the dice thread) and that not scratching the surface of role playing games that use cards, counters, Vulcan mind melds, bits of string and pocket lint or index cards. In the process of embracing these systems you've automatically enabled me to play monopoly (all I need is dice, a board, tokens and two customizable card decks -- already completely possible)
well, except maybe the two card decks, I'm not positive you can have multiple decks out right now anyway, back on track.
By embracing a wide number of systems, which seems to be at the heart of the dev's goals, you're also attracting a wider audience, which will eventually translate into more paying customers, and this IS a business. Even if revenue isn't the primary motivation, it still is A motivation. Servers, bandwith and hard drives don't pay for themselves. (Not to imply that the Roll20 team is a bunch of money grubbing cash whores -- far from it!)
Anyway. That's my take on things, and honestly, from everything I've seen during this beta, I would say that the intent does seem to support RPG's first, and the ability to support board/card games is merely an auxiliary bonus.