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(D&D 4E) Open Guild Recruitment

Hello ladies and gentlemen, beings of all shapes and sizes, creatures of creation both natural and... not so natural... I am Mutt, DM/GM(I couldn't care which you call me by) of a group commonly known as The Resurgence of the Guild. Normally I have left such messages to one of my players as I felt glad to see they enjoyed it so much to give up their personal time to find others to join us. This time though I feel I will go ahead and deal with any specifics myself and make a proper recruitment thread for us. Let me begin with some of our frequently asked items: What ruleset do you use? As of right now we are a fourth edition group. Anything you can make with the current builder is fair game* What campaign setting are you running? Homebrew. Every NPC you talk with has been crafted over the last few years either for use as my own characters, or for various writings that were never finished. Every major fight is intended to be a unique experience! When do you play? We run games three nights a week, 2130 Central Standard (-6GMT if I am not mistaken) Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday. Though each day comes with a stipulation** Character restrictions? Characters, as of right now, start at level 8 with free basic armor and weapons, an adventuring kit, and 100g to spend on other gear. There are no class/race restrictions, though certain races, particularly monster races, are frowned upon for lore reasons already in play.* As of this month, we remade how we run things, and so far it has been pretty smooth. Every action the player-group makes has a lasting impact on various things from world layout, events, factions, and of course themselves. Their primary goal as a group is quite simple; profit, while maintaining their own personal goals. The Guild Hall works as a sort of meeting ground for contract holders and adventurers for hire, giving each session a "one shot inside a running campaign" sort of situation. *Various races, such as fae based races(pixie), are labeled as Kill On Sight by a large majority of law enforcement and npcs in general due to a lore based war in which they did something they shouldn't have. Also in this group are select orc tribes but chances of the player-character "accidentally" making one is 0% **We have three player groups: One, Two, and Probationary. Each have "priority seating" on each of their days. More can be found out with a simple question if you are interested. As a side note: I am looking for a dm/gm who wants a place where they can run/test various campaign-loose content (highway robberies, cave exploring, etc.) that can fill in quests as while I have been doing alright keeping up in content production a fresh spin on things wouldn't hurt. Not to mention I would love to sit on the player side of the DM screen once in awhile :D If you have questions(They don't even have to be questions related to this campaign!), or are interested, feel free to respond here, in a roll20 private message, or via email at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>. Have a wonderful day in whatever planar verse you decide to travel!
Salutations! Sounds like a cool setup you have I'd love to join in; just PM or ask here if you have any questions or information you require.
This sounds pretty great. It would be 10:30 EST though, right? How long do sessions usually run?
Sessions run 1.5 to 2.5 hours, roughly
Hey this sounds great shoot me a pm if there is any spots open
As the guy also said above, shoot me a PM if there's any spots open. I'm new to Pathfinder games, but I've played a bit of 3.5e.
I would be available 10:30 EST for Tues or Weds! I've played Pathfinder and 3.5 but never 4e, however I do own the core books. PM if this is possible!
o.O 4E D&D Not Pathfinder :o You all should have messages with campaign link shortly, inside of it you will find our forums that further explain how session sign-ups work.
I'm totally interested! The only days I have off are tuesdays and some wednesdays and this would work great for me!
Mind you, Tuesday is among the most crowded day as it is reserved for my more veteran players. That said you are still welcome to join and see if other days (or even if it manages to have a spot for you). I am looking to recruit 4E GMs that would like to use this as a pool of players for their sessions, not just specifically campaign related!
im interested but im pretty new to this