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A Traveling Merchant Approaches


Edited 1488060363
A strange figure approaches the Guild Hall: a tiny man seemingly riding a giant chicken. "Oi, lads. Keep your fingers away from old Plucky's mouth. She tends to bite something fierce. Also, keep away from her back end! Not sure if the flames comin' outta there lately are healthy, but they sure do make her run faster. Reminds me of my late wife quite a bit, y'hear? I just come from down South a-ways and they killed this enormous beast! Smelled gods-awful if you ask me, but Plucky, old lass, couldn't eat enough of whatever kind of meat it was, so I found myself pulling grabbing chunks of monster hide out of her mouth. Turns out the stuff makes pretty good material if'n you're the type looking to have a fella swing a sword at your guts. Now, now, fellas, I don't judge none what do what they want, but I figgered you folks might be needing some of this, and I'll admit, it's probly much more than ol' Plucky can haul too much farther, so I'll give you a solid bargain if'n you're lookin' ta part with summa your gold." This strange little man will sell you any hide, leather, or cloth armor with an enhancement of +4 or less for 60% of its list price. He will be leaving on Mon, Feb 27 at 12:00 noon Pacific Time. Please post/RP your purchases below.
Vhaidara, having recently lost her clothes at a truly wild beach party, takes the man up on his offer and purchases an upgrade to her old outfit. Purchasing a +2 Battle Harness for 2520

Edited 1488064736
Gilda hearing the commotion comes to check what's going on. Seeing the giant chicken she immediately tries to pet him while asking the merchant about the monster whose hide he's selling and other stories from distant lands. Inspired by merchants tales she proceeds to buy herself a new armor. Gilda buys Hero's Armor +3 for 7800                                                                                          After the weird shaman leaves, out of the shadows appears a halfling, he quickly looks at the hide and asks for a new armor. He pays up and darts back into the shadows. Falras buys Armor of Dark Deeds +4 for 63000
Blackheart, in need for a specific type of armor, requests from the armor merchant to purchase a leather armor made from a creature able to stave off excessive bleeding or harmful lingering effects. Most of Blackheart's life, he's been treated like a second class citizen. Ostracized, Blackheart is often dealt a raw deal, so he lingers on the thought of just stealiing it. After a minute of patient observation, Blackheart gives the merchant a chance to prove himself trustworthy. Blackheart interjects, "Hello, I am interested in buying some of your wares." The exotic looking merchant smiles holding up his hand to Blackheart and utters, "I will be with you shortly, sir." Blackheart waits and then is asked again to wait repeatedly a few times. After about several minutes had passed, Blackheart gets frustrated and shouts, "I have COIN! I heard you're offering discounted prices." Blackheart, a dark-skinned human, holds up a small purse shaking it to reveal enough platinum. Pointing at a black shiny leather outfit. Blackheart shouts once, "HOW MUCH?" After the armor merchant responds with a very decent offer of 2040 gold coins, Blackheart hands 21 platinum coins, snatches the enchanted armor [+2 Armor of Sudden Recovery] , disrobes in the open, and exclaims, "Fits like a glove." (pause) Blackheart, a replacement at the Living Guild demands his change. "This finalizes our business transaction. Next time, I expect to be treated better.  Until then, make lots of money." With a hostile gait, Blackheart stomps off leaving his tattered rags.
Varlis senses a fluffiness in the force and goes to investigate. Upon finding the source of said fluffiness, he takes a look around to make sure there's no one there. Upon seeing no one, he lets out a squeal  a very manly exclamation of delight and rushes  moves at a normal speed and not running at all , to the bird and starts petting it while cooing and giggling  admires it plume in a dignified manner.  "Ahem!" comes a voice from above the bird. If there had been anyone watching, they totally wouldn't have heard the girlish shriek coming from Varlis, because he doesn't shriek like a girl when surprised, that's just silly. "If yer gonna keep touching me girl Plucky here, then yer better buy something." The tiny strange man said with a smirk.  *Yes yes, of course. I'll just take whatever. That thing there.* Varlis, still distracted by the lovely bird points at a random piece of cloth.  "Aah, yes. Great choice, lad. This shimmering piece of clothing will be protecting yer hide fer a good long time. And me appraising eyes here can even tell that it's a better version of enchanted protection than those sorry rags yer wearing. That'll be 2520 pieces of gold."  Varlis turns over 2520 gold pieces for a [ Shimmering Armor +2]   and then proceeds to hug the very lovely bird for a solid minute. To the amusement of the tiny man. And irritation of the bird, which starts wriggling in an attempt to get away from the obvious madman. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end and Varlis, reluctantly, let Plucky go, since he's got places to be and people to burn and/or save. 
Maril approaches the merchant and purchases a set of Nightmare Ward Armor +3 for 10,200 gp. "Continued services like this to the Lords of Harmondale will result in more power and riches than you could ever dream of!"
After seeing the traveling merchant selling magical wear, Nevan looks are his clothes and decided he also needs new armor.  Nevan walks to the man and his glorious giant chicken. He requests a +1 cloth armor of sudden recovery and hands the merchant 408 gp. The merchant takes the gold and hands over the armor. Nevan thanks the man and his chicken.
Zardak is happy to see the merchant come in as he is in dire need of a cheap shield that could help him protect his allies.  Buying Shimmering Light for 600 gp.
David L. said: Zardak is happy to see the merchant come in as he is in dire need of a cheap shield that could help him protect his allies.  Buying Shimmering Light for 600 gp. Shimmering Light is not Hide, Leather, or Cloth armor. The merchant doesn't carry shimmering light.  Anyways, Anna will somewhat disgustedly do business with the bird riding man and purchase a set of +3 Durability Hide Armor. 
Ysdem, curious of the whole hoopla, steps up and strikes a conversation with the man asking about his mount and how it seemed similar to another creature he had mounted before. After he gains the information about the bird -given the man complied- he asks him for a +4 Warding Spirits Armor (Leather) for 39,000 gp and gives the merchant a small pouch with 1,000 gp and ask him to come along a bit for often when wears such as these come to him so the guild can be better prepare and he can make booming business. With that Ysdem leaves with a slime.

Edited 1488126923
Jean M. said: Ysdem, curious of the whole hoopla, steps up and strikes a conversation with the man asking about his mount and how it seemed similar to another creature he had mounted before. After he gains the information about the bird -given the man complied- he asks him for a +4 Warding Spirits Armor (Leather) for 26,000 gp and gives the merchant a small pouch with 1,000 gp and ask him to come along a bit for often when wears such as these come to him so the guild can be better prepare and he can make booming business. With that Ysdem leaves with a slime. You will probably get shanked in a back alley unless you pay the correct price of 39,000 for your armor. In addition, please do not slime the merchant, not matter how much sudden slime you are carrying.
Rudy cautiously steps close to the strange man and his mount. He takes a look at all the different armors available, when he sees one that should suit him just fine.  "I'll take the dark, evil looking armor; how much is it." "Oh, you mean the Armor of Dark Deeds +3 ? That'll be 12,600 gold." Rudy pulls the money out of his pouch and hands it over to the man.  
A woman, cloaked in shadows, arrives near the merchant. Looking around his wares, she picks out a long black coat. "This will be perfect, he'll look absolutely dashing in this." She purchases the coat, then packages it up and takes it away for Filain Herrock's birthday Purchasing a +1 Leather Armor of Dark Majesty for Filain Herrock for 504 gold
Blooper said: Jean M. said: Ysdem, curious of the whole hoopla, steps up and strikes a conversation with the man asking about his mount and how it seemed similar to another creature he had mounted before. After he gains the information about the bird -given the man complied- he asks him for a +4 Warding Spirits Armor (Leather) for 26,000 gp and gives the merchant a small pouch with 1,000 gp and ask him to come along a bit for often when wears such as these come to him so the guild can be better prepare and he can make booming business. With that Ysdem leaves with a slime. You will probably get shanked in a back alley unless you pay the correct price of 39,000 for your armor. In addition, please do not slime the merchant, not matter how much sudden slime you are carrying. Fix, my bad. Thought it was a 60% discount not 40%.
For a character I'm building now, picking up a +2 Leather Armor of Dark Majesty for 2520 gp
Picking up Bestial Armor for 2040 gp for a new character.
Bellana came for the armor and stayed for the giant chicken. Sadly, she could not convince the small man to let her ride it around. Probably for the best. She will be purchasing a +2 Battle Harness for 2520gp.