I have found that the pseudo property "status_dead" does not behave as expected. It always reports "alive" regardless of the big red "X", unless there are no statii on the token, in which case, it reports "undefined". Below is a code snippet and the results. InfoDump code. Highlight a group of tokens, then execute !InfoDump in the chat window. on("chat:message", function(msg) { if (msg.type == "api" && msg.content.indexOf("!InfoDump") !== -1 && msg.who.indexOf("(GM)") !== -1) { log("InfoDump:"); _.each(msg.selected, function(objInfo) { var obj = getObj(objInfo._type, objInfo._id); if( obj.get("_type") == "graphic" ){ if( obj.get("_subtype") == "token" ){ log(obj.get("name") + " statii: " + obj.get("statusmarkers")); log(obj.get("name") + " dead? " + obj.get("status_dead")); } } }); } }); Sandbox console output. Restarting sandbox due to script changes... Spinning up new sandbox... "InfoDump:" "Goblin Y statii: yellow,dead" "Goblin Y dead? false" "Goblin Z statii: yellow,dead" "Goblin Z dead? false" "Goblin X statii: yellow,back-pain" "Goblin X dead? false" "Balsa statii: ninja-mask" "Balsa dead? false" "Nowon statii: " "Nowon dead? undefined" "Olaf statii: bolt-shield" "Olaf dead? false" Screenshot