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Some Players don't see tokens at there correct location


Edited 1488283925
Hello, In my game yesterday I encounter a little problem with my players, but it can generates some strange combat situation. On a map with a grid, one player ask me if he can move to the south to heal another one. But the passage was blocked by another player. luckily that player was in the same room than me. When I see what the player was seeing on is screen I discover that the position of some tokens on is map were wrong. Some tokens where shift of one tile. Does anybody have a clue where this problem come from, problem from different browsers? I am mastering with the latest version of Firefox, some players are on chrome, others on Firefox... Should I recommand my players to use the same browser? At first I was thinking that was because I was using a huge map, but the problem was still there with a little tavern map.
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I can see how that could be confusing (and potentially hilarious) but ultimately frustrating. Have all of the affected players follow the below steps please: Carefully work through Steps 1 through 8 of the Roll20 guide to Audio Visual Troubleshooting : Step 1: Make sure you’re using the most recent version of either Chrome or Firefox Please check if these issues persist when using both Chrome and Firefox. Step 2: Give Roll20 permission to use your microphone and camera Step 3: Make sure Video and Voice are turned on inside Roll20 Step 4: Clear your Web Browser’s Cache Step 5: Make sure you have the right ports open Step 6: Check if your camera is working with WebRTC Step 7: Check that your camera is functioning Step 8: Do a bandwidth test If none of the above succeeds, please thoroughly work through Step 9 : Step 9: Solving Technical Issues Step 9.2: Ensure that there are no extensions/addons interfering with Roll20 Please disable all add-ons/extensions and anti-virus programs. Step 9.4: Provide a bug report Please ensure that the Console Log is complete. If you have a macbook pro (or a macbook in general), try this: open a terminal and type "sudo killall VDCAssistant" to see if this solves the issue. Information can be found here in an Apple forum post . Thank you!

Edited 1488285842
Thanks for the answer. But I suppose it's a generic answer since those steps seems totally irrelevant with the topic. Why should I activate microphone and camera for a map problem? We are not using video and voice in roll20, so we keep it deactivated. To resume : Step 1 : Ok last version of chrome and Firefox Step 2 : Not Applicable. Step 3 : NA Step 4 : will do, can't be a bad thing. Step 5 : NA Step 6 : NA Step 7 : NA Step 8 : Fiber connection, if we can't update a token that would be sad. What I don't understand is that it looks like a server desync. I suppose when a player move a token, it should send the new location to the server that will update the view, right? So if every players are displaying the same view from the server, this bug should not apply. Except if this is a display bug depending on the browser use. I know how it can be painful to get the exact same view for a webapp depending on the browser use. That's why I was asking if I should encourage my players to use the same browser. But maybe I am totally wrong about the root cause.
This kind of ghosting can happen pretty often. Just grab one of the misplaced tokens and move around a bit to try and reset their locations.
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Francois L. said: Thanks for the answer. But I suppose it's a generic answer since those steps seems totally irrelevant with the topic. Why should I activate microphone and camera for a map problem? Correct, that is a standard reply for issues relating to the audio/visual experience... it is also not the one I intended to post but I was in a meeting and got somewhat distracted sorry! As you rightly say a lot of those steps don't apply in this instance, I meant to post this: Could you please carefully work through the first three steps of our guide to Solving Technical Issues ? Step 1: Make sure to use the right browser Please check if these issues persist when using both Chrome and Firefox. Step 2: Ensure that there are no extensions/addons interfering with Roll20 Please disable all add-ons/extensions and anti-virus programs. Step 3: Clear your cache If none of the above succeeds, please thoroughly work through Step 4 . (Don't forget the complete Console Log!) Thank you! Apologies, a head cold and modding aren't the greatest mix it seems...
SkyCaptainXIII said: This kind of ghosting can happen pretty often. Just grab one of the misplaced tokens and move around a bit to try and reset their locations. This happens to my players fairly often and this is indeed the solution we use to correct it.
Roll20 Team
Keii said: SkyCaptainXIII said: This kind of ghosting can happen pretty often. Just grab one of the misplaced tokens and move around a bit to try and reset their locations. This happens to my players fairly often and this is indeed the solution we use to correct it. Huh. If this happens again to any of you, could you grab a console log so we can take a look at it? Thanks!