I'd like to do something fairly unconventional with the Turn Tracker using the Torg system. In Torg, initiative is normally determined by drawing a card which shows some descriptive text ("You see an opening!") followed by a description of which side goes, heroes (H) or villains (V), first. It also may apply some special conditions to one or both sides. At the conclusion, the card lists actions that, if taken that round, can help with more success later in the scene. The text looks like this: YOU SEE AN OPENING! H: Up V: - Approved Actions: Maneuver/Trick I would like to find some way to "Roll" on a table and display similar results in the turn tracker, using a macro, if possible. It would use each of the first 3 lines on the tracker to show information like this: Line 1 Text: "YOU SEE AN OPENING!" Line 2 Text: "H: Up" Line 3 Text: "V: -" Line 4 Text: "Approved Actions: Maneuver/Trick" I notice that I can more or less reproduce this if I manually enter the contents of each line using the settings window for the tracker, but I'm wondering if there is a way to do this with marcos. (Alternative, I guess is to recreate the cards or just build a PowerCard macro that displays this in chat, but if I can put initiative information in the place where Roll20 players normally expect to see it, that would be better).