Hello. I didn't quite find what I was looking for, so I thought I'd ask around. Is it possible to make a token macro that only uses the values from the token bars? (without any use from the character sheets) As in, for all my NPCs, I have their stat blocks written in the GM section of the token. I use the bars to display Attack, HP, AC. What I'm asking is that, how feasible would it be to make a token macro that uses the bar with attack value to make a roll for the selected token? Just a basic (attack) roll, with the token's name and maybe some fluff text. (And if that's possible, how hard would it be to then have a target named in the macro as well? How hard would it be it for the attack to also show the AC value from the target's token bar?) I'm also looking for suggestions on how to make the combat rounds go faster for NPCs (in terms of their attacks and damage rolls). Thanks for any help.