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Projector table top setup


Edited 1488971518
I use Roll20 to project down onto my table-top for in-person games. &nbsp;My laptop uses one browser for GM and Chrome running full-screen on the projector screen for the player view. It works well with some hacks to remove the tools and all UI junk and keep the background solid black (no projection of anything but the map). On the player screen, all I need is mouse control and to easily set the zoom level precisely. &nbsp;A large zoom control pops out only when needed (mousing to left edge of screen). We use real miniatures on the projected map with the table set up so that 5' units are exactly 1 inch at 40% zoom level. I only use Roll20 tokens for dynamic lighting and line of sight. Here's what I've done: CSS overrides (using Chrome Stylish plugin): ::-webkit-scrollbar { &nbsp; &nbsp; display: none !important }&nbsp; #sidebarcontrol, #zoomslider, #radial-menu, .player { &nbsp; &nbsp; display: none !important } body { &nbsp; &nbsp; background-color: #000; &nbsp; &nbsp; background-image: none; } #floatingtoolbar { &nbsp; &nbsp; left:0; &nbsp; &nbsp; right:auto; &nbsp; &nbsp; top:auto; &nbsp; &nbsp; height:100%; &nbsp; &nbsp; bottom:auto; &nbsp; &nbsp; width:10px; &nbsp; &nbsp; background-color:transparent; &nbsp; &nbsp; border:none; box-shadow: none; &nbsp; &nbsp; } #floatingtoolbar ul { height:100%; &nbsp; &nbsp; width: 100%; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; display: table; &nbsp; &nbsp; position: absolute; } #floatingtoolbar li { &nbsp; &nbsp; border:none; &nbsp; &nbsp; color:#888; &nbsp; &nbsp; display:none; &nbsp; &nbsp; height:100%; &nbsp; &nbsp; padding:0; } #floatingtoolbar div.submenu { &nbsp; &nbsp; left: auto; &nbsp; &nbsp; top:auto; &nbsp; &nbsp; position:relative; } .pictos {display:none} #select { &nbsp; &nbsp; display:none !important; } #zoompanel { &nbsp; &nbsp;display: table-cell !important; &nbsp; &nbsp; vertical-align: middle; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; position:relative !important; } #zoompanel:hover { background-color: rgba(128,128,128,.4) !important; } #zoompanel:hover .pictos {display:block; color:#FFF;} #zoompanel select { &nbsp; &nbsp; width: 130px; } #initiativewindow ul li.gmlayer {opacity: 1;} I rebuild the zoom menu to have just the sizes I use, with useful titles for 1-inch scale for miniatures with this Javascript: function sE(v,n) {var o=document.createElement('option');o.text=n;o.value=v;return o;}&nbsp; var s=document.getElementById('zoompanel').getElementsByTagName('select')[0]; s.options.length = 0; var m = {'10%':10, '20%':20, '30%':30, '40% (5\\' units)':40, '50%':50, '60%':60, '70%':70, '80% (10\\' units)':80, '90%':90, '100%':100, '160% (20\\' units)':160, '200% (25\\' units)':200, '250% (Roll20 Max)':250}; for(var i in m) {s.appendChild(sE(m[i],i));} s.setAttribute('size','13'); It can be difficult to run javascript without being blocked by security -- On my Mac laptop, I run it from the AppleScript menu: on run tell application "Google Chrome" set windowList to every tab of every window whose URL starts with "<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>" repeat with tabList in windowList set tabList to tabList as any repeat with tabItr in tabList set tabItr to tabItr as any tell tabItr execute javascript "function sE(v,n) {var o=document.createElement('option');o.text=n;o.value=v;return o;}&nbsp; var s=document.getElementById('zoompanel').getElementsByTagName('select')[0]; s.options.length = 0; var m = {'10%':10, '20%':20, '30%':30, '40% (5\\' units)':40, '50%':50, '60%':60, '70%':70, '80% (10\\' units)':80, '90%':90, '100%':100, '160% (20\\' units)':160, '200% (25\\' units)':200, '250% (Roll20 Max)':250}; for(var i in m) {s.appendChild(sE(m[i],i));} s.setAttribute('size','13');" end tell end repeat end repeat end tell end run Other handy tips: This one javascript line makes the standard zoom drop-down 1 less click (just hover and click size). &nbsp;It should also fix the Roll20 Firefox bug with this menu -- if you can get Firefox to let you execute the javascript! javascript:document.getElementById('zoompanel').getElementsByTagName('select')[0].setAttribute('size','20') I hide the thumb-button that opens the side menu on the projector player view, so to open or close it I use the advanced shortcut key 'w', or javascript document.getElementById('sidebarcontrol').click()
The Aaron
API Scripter
Someone else (possibly SkyCaptainXIII?) noted at one point that if you're using top down projection, having your tokens in Roll20 be white circles provides a great "spot light" effect to illuminate your minis.
The Aaron said: Someone else (possibly SkyCaptainXIII?) noted at one point that if you're using top down projection, having your tokens in Roll20 be white circles provides a great "spot light" effect to illuminate your minis. I may have brought it up, but I got the idea from watching someone demonstrate their projector table on youtube.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Thanks for the applescript idea. I use a number of scripts myself to size and control windows for recording purposes, and I have run into the javascript applet problem from time to time. It hadn't occurred to me to embed it into an applescript.

Edited 1488992509
Very nice. &nbsp;I do something very similar with my setup. &nbsp;I hadn't gotten far enough along to look into scripts/plugins. &nbsp; I use a chromecast and have it plugged into my projector. &nbsp;And then I cast a single tab to it (the player tab). &nbsp;Then I just collapse the side panel and manually zoom the map until the squares are roughly 1". &nbsp;I've also forgone the chromecast and just used the projector as a second screen with the browser full screen, but it's nice to be wireless. How big of an area does your projector cover? &nbsp;And how do you have it mounted (straight above/below? &nbsp;with/without a mirror?)?
The Aaron
API Scripter
You might find some ideas in here: &nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Also, definitely feel free to expand it with details and scripts and such.
Sheet Author
Very cool Bruce. Would you mind if I added your post to the wiki?
Vince said: Very cool Bruce. Would you mind if I added your post to the wiki? Sure, no problem.

Edited 1489039775
It is cool how the minis cast shadows on the map. I like the spotlight idea, thanks for that. I could colour them in too -- green for poisoned or whatnot. I am lucky to have a high sloping ceiling. &nbsp;I have a projector mounted a little past the centre of the room, giving 2.1m (7') of throw space. &nbsp;It has&nbsp;lens shift to centre it. &nbsp;That throw is enough to cover the full width of my table and 80% of the length - max &nbsp;of 1.6 x .9m (63 x 35 one-inch squares). &nbsp;In practise I project about 46x26 inches to leave space around the projection for player stuff and snacks - also&nbsp;the big piece of laminated paper I'm using to project onto is only 46 inches long (the back of an old mat from my hand-drawing map days). With scrolling and zooming, that's usually plenty big enough and looks better with higher res and brightness. I've just ordered a projection-whiteboard. I made a lower-level side-table for the DM. Another adventure was replacing the burnt out blue polarising filter in the Panasonic projector. &nbsp;I got the projector very cheap as it had a giant yellow splodge in the middle but it's much better now. Attached pic of people playing downstairs now (map well below max size) For those looking at the background, yes, the table also turns into a pool table by fitting the modded pool-table-top over it.

Edited 1489040077
I prefer my tv over a projector cause of the shadows and the map being projected onto the miniatures and any other terrain I may use. The ability to hang the projector out of the way though is nice.
I thought about using a TV. &nbsp;My ideal would be a roll-out HD OLED mat! &nbsp;I considered these problems (feel free to post solutions): - The table is also used for snacks, drinks, books, etc. A table is not easily damaged and is easier to wipe clean than a TV. - The minis would be some distance from the display surface (sitting on a glass screen / protective layer). &nbsp;Viewing from the side, the map wouldn't appear exactly under the minis. - A custom TV table can't be used for other table stuff for the times you're not playing D&D. - Bulky appliance centre-stage (though that's changing) Lighting is a big issue though it looks a bit worse in the photo than reality. &nbsp;I'd like to get a brighter projector or get tiny LED desk-lights for the players to see their stuff and have the room darker. &nbsp;Either way, TV or projector, getting a really nice big screen is an expensive setup unless you fix a broken device yourself.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
The javascript up there has me curious. Is there any sort of a JS applet that can enforce a zoom level and centering of a map? I suspect not, since such a thing would have been mentioned on the boards, but it doesn't hurt to ask...
Bruce W. said: I thought about using a TV. &nbsp;My ideal would be a roll-out HD OLED mat! &nbsp;I considered these problems (feel free to post solutions): - The table is also used for snacks, drinks, books, etc. A table is not easily damaged and is easier to wipe clean than a TV. - The minis would be some distance from the display surface (sitting on a glass screen / protective layer). &nbsp;Viewing from the side, the map wouldn't appear exactly under the minis. - A custom TV table can't be used for other table stuff for the times you're not playing D&D. - Bulky appliance centre-stage (though that's changing) Lighting is a big issue though it looks a bit worse in the photo than reality. &nbsp;I'd like to get a brighter projector or get tiny LED desk-lights for the players to see their stuff and have the room darker. &nbsp;Either way, TV or projector, getting a really nice big screen is an expensive setup unless you fix a broken device yourself. My group used to use a TV. &nbsp;So I can offer a solution and pointers. Don't inset the TV into the table. &nbsp;Get a thin one, and have it rise above the table (table has to be large enough relative to TV for character sheets, though). &nbsp;No drinks/snacks on it that way. &nbsp; Build a custom box for the TV, or just rest it on something at the four corners so it's slightly off the table. &nbsp;(We did the latter, though I forget what we used. &nbsp;I preferred it that way so the TV didn't build up heat inside a box.) The distance between the minis and the LCDs that produce the picture aren't large enough to cause a lot of parallax distortion. Remove the TV from the table when not in use so you can use the table for other projects. &nbsp;(Though storing it a bit more difficult than your projector system.)