Since the Pathfinder sheets were updated (A for effort but not happy with the changes, btw), I don't see how we can customize the macro code for weapon attacks under the 'Attacks' tab...all it has now are the 'Attack insert' and 'Damage insert' fields...and personally I don't even know what that means. Prior to the update we were able to open the entire macro for the weapon attack (attacks, damage, everything) and customize it as needed. Now what are we supposed to do? I had some of my attacks already in place from before the change, and they had been modified in the macro with additions like my Power Attack modifiers, Rage modifiers, and so on. Now I can't even see those. I need to add another weapon with much the same modifiers (only it will have a different + from being masterwork, not magic) but I see no way to copy/paste my weapon macro under the weapon entry now.