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New Token Set : Sprites Of The Forest

Austin Little
Marketplace Creator
Hey guys, newbie creator here!  Here's My First Pack which just came out, hopefully someone has a use for them! Any request or feedback would be greatly appreciated! The pack is inspired by my love for forest settings and mythical creatures. I specifically made the creatures so you can either use them as a PC, a monster you will fight, an NPC, or anything else you can think of! Please give it a chance and check it out. Thanks a bunch!
Eric D. Leon
Marketplace Creator
I was looking at these earlier. I like them a lot. They remind me of stained glass. I look forward to seeing more.
I'd say this is an excellent set. I've always had a soft spot for fey and fearie creatures but the majority of token sets don't have much variety. You can find loads of orcs, drow, goblins and other more common creatures but a lot of monsters only have one token for a specific creature for you to use. This set definitely had the variety I was looking for and I'm going to greatly enjoy using them in future campaigns that involve fey. As Eric DeLeon has already said, I look forward to seeing more.
Forum Champion
Nice "Little" set of art, Austin! Those Red Rose Sprits and the anthropomorphic Yellow Roses, would be useful for any takes on Alice In Wonderland such as the Gary Gygax modules "Dungeonland" and "Land Beyond The Magic Mirror". I like the overall art style and can appreciate the options given for each creature (regular and small size, color variations, and tokens-with-transparency or Pog circle-token options).
Those are nifty. Well done.
Love em to bits!
Austin Little
Marketplace Creator
Wow, thanks for all the kind words everyone. Your words are really making the effort and time worth it, and I'm already brainstorming new ideas. Stay tuned for the future!
Gabriel P.
Marketplace Creator
The chance I can get my fairy obsessed neice interested in roleplaying games just went up by 200% with the addition of this set.