Hello. I am a newby GM, and as such am looking to run the premade adventure Keep on the Shadowfell. I am going to have some friends join, but I know I will not be able to muster enough players and will need others to flesh out the party. Sessions will likely be 2-3 hours long, every Wednesday @ 8PM. The campaign will likely take five to six sessions. I am looking for players that can consistently make sessions. I'm fine with any level of experience, but expect players to understand their own abilities and be ready to take actions at a timely pace during combat encounters. Any of the Player's Handbooks are accepted material for making a character; ask before using another source. I'm not a very serious roleplayer and see this game mostly as a social experience to be enjoyed by friends. The campaign will likely be run in this manner. Please leave a post below if you are interested. Thanks.