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[LFP] Original-Original Dungeons & Dragons! (Mondays, Thursdays, or Saturdays, evenings CDT.)

Hello! I am looking for people who might be interested in the old "White Box" D&D. I'm talking the 1973 version, when AC and THAC0 was just an optional alternative to TSR's wargame combat system! There have been a few one-shots, but i've never gotten to see how the oldest of schools plays out in a persistent game. What i can say about it is that it's a lot less... thorough, than it became. It's also low-powered, almost to a fault. The stats are much lower than usual, the weapon choices are almost cosmetic, and spell descriptions are maybe  a paragraph long. Depending on when it's possible, it could be Mondays, Thursdays, or Saturdays. I don't know yet. If you're interested, let me know.
I might be interested, but I could not do Mondays... That's when one of my own campaigns meets. Thursday would probably work best for me personally, although Saturdays are do-able. Some of the players in my own campaigns might be interested as well, I can let them know about this.
Hey yeah! The more that are merrier, are also more, and they're merrier... Or something like that. Saturdays would be my preference, between the two. But it always depends on the group.

Edited 1489988158
It's weird, but I was literally just looking to see if I could find an original d&d game. I have *never* played it, but I have played 3.5, 5e and pathfinder. I have none of the books or material and have no idea what it's like, but I'd be interested.
28 pages are all you'd have to worry about, as far as the books go. Because i'm only using the first three books, and only one of those is helpful for players! And not only that, i made a character sheet as a way to start learning javascript that more or less automates a huge chunk of the already incredibly simple process! It's different for sure, but D&D has always been D&D. Even from the beginning. Which would be better for you? Thursdays or Saturdays?
I always wanted to play the super old school pure version, but few people running OG D&D around here seem hate going below the threshold of  advanced. Point is, i'm super down to try it out. I'm equally okay with either of 3  weekdays.
From my experience, people hate going before the year 2000 much less OD&D. Though weirdly, if you include all the supplemental booklets that came out before the AD&D/Basic split, it mostly just becomes  1e. That's why i'm keeping it to the first three booklets, only one of which you need to worry about. "Men & Magic. Volume 1 of three booklets."
Well, if it starts late, I'd say Thursdays, but I might be able to do Saturdays too. I'm fascinated by what the original original game was like, if I can just find out the rules etc., I could definitely make a character.

Edited 1490081723
Whoa, I just did a quick check of the first volume and there's literally three races and classes...This *is* early d&d. Is there a game that's going to be set up for character sheets/rolls etc.?
This looks like a lot of fun, definitely count me in.
Keep in mind, it's only the first three booklets: Men & Magic, Monsters & Treasure, The Underworld & Wilderness Adventures. There are four supplement booklets: Greyhawk, Blackmoor, Eldritch Wizardry, Gods, Demigods & Heroes, which are not  gonna be used. Mostly because starting at Greyhawk, it more or less just becomes 1e and if we're gonna do 1e let's do it with the 1e books! They're waaaay more convenient.
Makes sense, I only took a look at men and magic, I like the simplicity of the system. When would we be starting?
That sounds like a great game I am Open for Gaming saturday nights!!! 

Edited 1490251392
Is there still room left? I was running original moldvay basic/expert a couple years back it was great fun. I love the old school stuff