Hello. I was wondering if someone could help me understand something. I have a few characters who are designated as NPC in the Pathfinder Character Sheet. To help make faster rolls with them, I have set up both attribute macros as well as generic all-across-the-board macros from the macro manager. I understand the distinction between NPC and "PC" attribute macros. However, because the characters are designated as NPCs, I apparently need to use the "attacks-macro-npc" attribute. This is by default a whisper to GM roll. No problem, I change it to be public (as I want my players to see the attack / damage rolls done to them). However, what I have the problem with is this: "%{selected|NPC-defenses}". I'd like this to be GM only whisper, so that I can check their defenses, AC and whatnot at a glance. The problem is that they both use the "NPC-prefix". Meaning if I want the attacks to be public, then by extension, the defenses rolls are also public. How can I go about getting my NPC attacks to be public, but NPC-defenses to be GM only? " %{selected|NPC-defenses}" is a macro that is made in the Macro Manager and designated as token action, where as the attacks are case-by-case attribute-macros made for each token/character. Adding /w gm %{selected|NPC-defenses} didn't help. Also I should probably mention that I cannot find "PC" equilevant of NPC-defenses for my NPC designated characters to use in the attribute-macro section? I hope I was able to explain my problem in detail. Thanks for help!