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Looking for 2 players for a Storm King's thunder game

Hey players I have a game going on right now where some of the original members left or show up irregularly. I am looking for two players to start at level 5, one level below the party, and join up. I need players who will stay with the game long term and let me know when they will miss or plan to quit. the game starts at 7:30 CDT US on Saturday. The game is weekly, and very relaxed play. Please post below if interested. Also I don't care what character you plan to create just let me know if anything is not from the books please.
Definitely interested. I sent you a private message.
I'm cool with joining at it sounds pretty chill if you still need one more
Hey there! First of all I'd just like to preface that my experience is rather limited. I've played a hand full of live games (3.5) some SWRP and absolutely zero online games. I can't really promise how great of a role player I will be, but I do promise that I'm dying to play and cut my teeth. I plan on hosting my own live campaign as well and would love to not only play as a PC but also learn from another DM. As such, I like to think I'm pretty proficient with 5e but I've yet to see for myself. I have the PHB, DMG and MM. I've read the material several times. I'm sure a character outline or description would be appropriate here but to be honest, this is my first real head way into online D&D so I've not had much reason to roll up characters. I'd like to fill a role that is needed within the group composition. I figure this is relevant as well: I'm 25, male, I joke a lot and honestly laugh at anything. The time should work with me but due to the nature of my job, I could possibly miss a session or two.
I'm still looking for 1 more person who is willing to play a melee character either a sword and board fighter, paladin, or barbarian would be best. The party currently is made up of a paladin, ranger, wild sorc, rogue swashbuckler, and life cleric. If anyone has a character they would be willing to bring in at lvl 5 please post here or pm me.
Hi - I know you've said a sword and board would be best for your party's composition, however I do have a Monk that I'd be more than happy to boost up to level 5 with you. Your existing playtime is perfect for me. Let me know, and if not me, good hunting!
Alright we have found the final member we were looking for. Thank you, to the rest who showed interest in the game.