Greetings. I am a veteran player of dungeons and dragons. I started playing first edition back in the 80s when I was a kid, and played through third edition until MMORPGS killed tabletop gaming in my area. I am currently looking for a group, any days but Friday are open. I would prefer a heavier RP game, not just hack and slash, where character development is as important as dungeon crawling. My pros- 1. I always show up. If for some reason I cant I will let you know asap. 2. I'm not a shrinking violet, I will participate. 3. I come prepared. I will spend quite a bit of time developing my character. 4. I can lead or follow 5. I will do everything I can to make the most out of a campaign. 6. I don't expect perfection. Nobody is perfect, and we are all learning still. 7. I still love this game! My cons- 1. I am a vet player. I have seen almost everything over the years. It's pretty easy for me to see through a lot of plots if they aren't original, so can be challenging for a DM. 2. I cant abide people wasting time. By wasting time I mean people who go ninja afk/take forever to make a decision/arent prepared. I come prepared, i expect the other players to do the same. 3. Can't play in a linear campaign. If you try to force the party down a certain path, it's not going to be fun for me. My enjoyment of dungeons and dragons is the fact that you make the decisions, and that it's not a linear game. It's one thing to have a quest that the characters choose to go down, it's another when a DM artificially forces the quest on the group. 4. I dislike odd race/classes. I really don't want to play with a kobold bladesinger warlock lesbian paragon of tiamat or a half hobgoblin half giant former prostitute that is now a psionicist. Why would I ever adventure with those creatures, and a DM that would allow it would give me pause as they obviously have a hard time saying no.