EDIT: So, I guess this should now be called the Random Name, Town Name, Tavern Name Generator. But, that title is too long.
It now has 9 nationalities for names (both male & female - African, Arabic, Asian, English, Germanic[Ancient], Hindi, Medieval, Sanskrit, Thai)... thousands of names (at least 100 for each nationality if I remember correctly). !namegen [language] [gender] (gender is optional)
It has place names from 6 geographic regions (African[South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Ethiopia, Egypt], Arabic, Asian, Dwarf[German], Elf[Czech], Indian) ... >1000 geographic place names (at least 100 for each geographic region). !towngen [location]
It has over 700 Tavern/Inn names ... !taverngen
I've given the output some style so it looks visually pleasing.
Hopefully you like it. Over the next little while I will push updates regularly as I add more nationalities/geographic regions. The link to the github below should work - let me know if it doesn't.
NEXT Update will add male/female native american names...
Hey all,
So, I wanted an in-game random name generator. So I built one.
At first I used trigraphs built from real names...
This yielded ... less than optimal results with randomly piecing together the trigraphs....
So then I said ... the world is full of cool languages that have cool names....
So I downloaded them. Ok, not ALL of them... just male and female common names for the following: Arabic, English, Medieval, Hindi, Sanskrit, Thai.
That gives me THOUSANDS of names. THOUSANDS. (copying/reformatting/copying again/reformatting again .... all made easy with Excel and Word... if you want to know how, I can share my secrets).
Here's the github link (hopefully it works for you all) ...
Oh - and the macro to make this work super easy is:
!namegen ?{Gender|boy|girl} ?{Nationality|arabic|english|hindi|medieval|sanskrit|thai}
I will update it in the future to add some more nationalities... African, Chinese, and Japanese are next on the list - look for that tomorrow or the next day.
OHHHH - and I am a complete java hack (meaning I think of something I want to do, and look up how to write the code. I don't actually know java/js)...
Soooo - if you can help me figure a way to pull a truly random name from multiple arrays that'd be groovy (meaning run through all the boy nationalities instead of just one). Also - is there a cleaner method for this than a separate function for each? Curious because I know efficient coding = good coding.
It now has 9 nationalities for names (both male & female - African, Arabic, Asian, English, Germanic[Ancient], Hindi, Medieval, Sanskrit, Thai)... thousands of names (at least 100 for each nationality if I remember correctly). !namegen [language] [gender] (gender is optional)
It has place names from 6 geographic regions (African[South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Ethiopia, Egypt], Arabic, Asian, Dwarf[German], Elf[Czech], Indian) ... >1000 geographic place names (at least 100 for each geographic region). !towngen [location]
It has over 700 Tavern/Inn names ... !taverngen
I've given the output some style so it looks visually pleasing.
Hopefully you like it. Over the next little while I will push updates regularly as I add more nationalities/geographic regions. The link to the github below should work - let me know if it doesn't.
NEXT Update will add male/female native american names...
Hey all,
So, I wanted an in-game random name generator. So I built one.
At first I used trigraphs built from real names...
This yielded ... less than optimal results with randomly piecing together the trigraphs....
So then I said ... the world is full of cool languages that have cool names....
So I downloaded them. Ok, not ALL of them... just male and female common names for the following: Arabic, English, Medieval, Hindi, Sanskrit, Thai.
That gives me THOUSANDS of names. THOUSANDS. (copying/reformatting/copying again/reformatting again .... all made easy with Excel and Word... if you want to know how, I can share my secrets).
Here's the github link (hopefully it works for you all) ...
Oh - and the macro to make this work super easy is:
!namegen ?{Gender|boy|girl} ?{Nationality|arabic|english|hindi|medieval|sanskrit|thai}
I will update it in the future to add some more nationalities... African, Chinese, and Japanese are next on the list - look for that tomorrow or the next day.
OHHHH - and I am a complete java hack (meaning I think of something I want to do, and look up how to write the code. I don't actually know java/js)...
Soooo - if you can help me figure a way to pull a truly random name from multiple arrays that'd be groovy (meaning run through all the boy nationalities instead of just one). Also - is there a cleaner method for this than a separate function for each? Curious because I know efficient coding = good coding.