OK, pulling my hair out here... Still new to js and Roll20 scripting in general. I want to build a script to add new attributes to the character. OK, simple enough, I can do that; but I found that it the script was adding it to all characters every time the API Sandbox would restart, not good! Luckily I do have a separate game I am working on scripts in and copying them to my actual playing game, otherwise I'd be deleting all these added attributes from all characters, blech! OK, so multiple search, all turning up the same basic functions to check if the attribute already exists, but even after cutting/pasting and only changing the attribute name to search for, still doing the same thing. on('add:character', function (obj) { var strModHE= findObjs({ type: 'attribute', characterid: obj.id, name: 'StrengthHE' } , {caseInsensitive: true})[0]; log(obj.id + " - " + obj.get('name') + " - " + attribute) if (!strModHE) { strModHE= createObj('attribute', { characterid: obj.id, name: 'StrengthHE', current: 0 }); } }) I added the log to see what was actually being run and found the following as output - Restarting sandbox due to script changes... Previous shutdown complete, starting up... Spinning up new sandbox... "-KeTaQDt3R0hpwBwe83s - Art - Cob - undefined" "-KeUBaFi4nDc0MSEEU_5 - Greg - Amiri - undefined" "-KeUBfhczlkqn-LR9-Ba - Leslie - Endrill - undefined" "-KeVDGF_js9IVtdS-u4V - James - Doraz - undefined" "-KeaFpI7JCFxYoF2vHEJ - Linda - Bunny von Cleese - undefined" "-KefdY6FMv_-DvbSQIdw - Peter - Eklisia (ek-LEE-see-a) - undefined" "-KezwDemWU5XHDzV9Xvk - NPC - tNelag - undefined" "-KgBCAXjLRl3k91kI8ig - Ben - Judin Ukosk - undefined" "-KgGs2G5mmdNW4DcaKn6 - Ovugo Dibate - undefined" "-KgGwK0hvIrMgT-_eEmu - Rox - undefined" This would sound good, the variable strModHE is not defined, so go ahead and create the attribute. However, when the attribute does already exist, the findObjs is not finding it and the variable is still undefined. I added the logging to see what it was pulling, and that all looks ok as well. I can simply make a script and call it from chat or a macro, but I'd prefer not to have to do that. Anyone able to help? Thanks, Scott