Hello all,
My name is Shawn. I have been playing Advanced Dungeons and Dragons for over 30 years. During that time, about twenty of it was DMing first, second, and third editions. I am considering starting a campaign here that will most likely be set in fifth edition (It's a new edition that I find interesting that I haven't DM'd it yet. The setting would be Forgotten realms, most likely starting in the City of Splendors, Waterdeep. Characters would start at level one, and classes/races would be from the players handbook. I might, MIGHT approve of a race from volo's if it's sold to me. However if you choose a monstrous race to play and I allow you to, expect all of the issues and penalties.
I am relatively new to roll20. I am learning how to use their system, and manipulate it for my own benefit.
My style of DMing.
I consider roleplaying your character to be the utmost importance. Metagaming, while unavoidable, should be minimized. Do what your character would do, even if you know its a dumb thing to do. Lean into your characters weaknesses, celebrate them, it makes for a more interesting character. If you have a half orc barbarian with an INT of 4, play it that way. That being said, I allow players to do whatever they want. It's an open world, a sandbox. If the party wants to go on a shopping trip for the entire session, that's fine as long as it's not just one person driving the others crazy. If the party wants to go to a tavern to whore, get drunk and pick a bar fight, feel free. If the party wants to go to small villages and start collecting bounties on local monsters, great. I am here to facilitate what you want to do, not shoehorn you into a premade/prerolled adventure. I give options, and you choose to either take them or go do something else with the characters.
I don't believe in forcing characters to follow an alignment. For example, if you want to play evil bandit character murder hobos, you will face the perks and consequences of it. You might attract the attention of some powerful people who run the local government want to stop such a group, and end up facing off with a more powerful party sent to arrest or kill you. Or maybe even worse, a more powerful group that runs the local underground doesn't like that you are in their territory disrupting their own operations. Actions have consequences, and benefits.
I am looking at 4-6 players. I want reliable people who will show up each time. I will be putting a lot of work into the game, and expect people to at least show they appreciate it by not just flaking out every other week. If someone doesn't show up without notice, I will of course replace them with someone that will. I'd like to have a campaign that lasts a year or more if possible, I prefer the growth of the character and power.
Game time and day is dependent on the responses I get. I am rather flexible, the only time not good for me is Fridays from 6pm pst to midnight pst (i am in a campaign here during that time frame) I am in PST.
My name is Shawn. I have been playing Advanced Dungeons and Dragons for over 30 years. During that time, about twenty of it was DMing first, second, and third editions. I am considering starting a campaign here that will most likely be set in fifth edition (It's a new edition that I find interesting that I haven't DM'd it yet. The setting would be Forgotten realms, most likely starting in the City of Splendors, Waterdeep. Characters would start at level one, and classes/races would be from the players handbook. I might, MIGHT approve of a race from volo's if it's sold to me. However if you choose a monstrous race to play and I allow you to, expect all of the issues and penalties.
I am relatively new to roll20. I am learning how to use their system, and manipulate it for my own benefit.
My style of DMing.
I consider roleplaying your character to be the utmost importance. Metagaming, while unavoidable, should be minimized. Do what your character would do, even if you know its a dumb thing to do. Lean into your characters weaknesses, celebrate them, it makes for a more interesting character. If you have a half orc barbarian with an INT of 4, play it that way. That being said, I allow players to do whatever they want. It's an open world, a sandbox. If the party wants to go on a shopping trip for the entire session, that's fine as long as it's not just one person driving the others crazy. If the party wants to go to a tavern to whore, get drunk and pick a bar fight, feel free. If the party wants to go to small villages and start collecting bounties on local monsters, great. I am here to facilitate what you want to do, not shoehorn you into a premade/prerolled adventure. I give options, and you choose to either take them or go do something else with the characters.
I don't believe in forcing characters to follow an alignment. For example, if you want to play evil bandit character murder hobos, you will face the perks and consequences of it. You might attract the attention of some powerful people who run the local government want to stop such a group, and end up facing off with a more powerful party sent to arrest or kill you. Or maybe even worse, a more powerful group that runs the local underground doesn't like that you are in their territory disrupting their own operations. Actions have consequences, and benefits.
I am looking at 4-6 players. I want reliable people who will show up each time. I will be putting a lot of work into the game, and expect people to at least show they appreciate it by not just flaking out every other week. If someone doesn't show up without notice, I will of course replace them with someone that will. I'd like to have a campaign that lasts a year or more if possible, I prefer the growth of the character and power.
Game time and day is dependent on the responses I get. I am rather flexible, the only time not good for me is Fridays from 6pm pst to midnight pst (i am in a campaign here during that time frame) I am in PST.