We have 55 icons for showing status effects atm, which is good but I keep finding very simple status effects aren't well represented by the ones we have, such as being blinded, deafened or poisoned. I mean there are some that can work for these with a creative interpretation, but making them more obvious would be nice. Near as I can tell 90% the icons used thus far are from <a href="http://game-icons.net/" rel="nofollow">http://game-icons.net/</a> , and before anyone asks yes I am sure, I've closely inspected most of them and they are one for one the icons, which is both great and legal too, as the site and all it's contents operate under a CC BY 3.0 license, which to make a long explanation short means anyone can use the icons for whatever they want, so long as they don't make money off of them, and since anyone can create a free account and have access to the Roll20 App and all the status icons for free, it's kosher. So adding a dozen or so more wouldn't be a hassle near as I am aware. Still it be nice if we could import and use icons of our own and use them as status effect icons, or even allow us to freely use any made with game-icons, through some kind of partnership upload thing, make an icon over there, then have it imported to your account/game on Roll20 and have the icons freely available in the drop down along with the others. Also on the subject, more colored circle icons would be great too, or a way to again make are own, maybe a sub window when selecting one to choose a color of our own based on a RGB value. So, thoughts, opinions? I think this is an easy to implement no brainier.