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GM Macros shared to players

Sheet Author
API Scripter
One thing MapTools does that would be REALLY handy: It's possible for the GM to set up campaign macros, that automatically show up in all the players "campaign macro" tab. The players can't edit these macros. This would allow GMs to create universal macros, for those rolls everyone needs. If those macros are built with the selected (or, better, the suggested SELF keyword from this thread: ), a GM could separate a lot of macros from the character sheet, and save a lot of the amount of work needed when creating a new complex character sheet (cutting down on the new macros needed)
Roll20 already has this feature. As GM, when you edit a macro you can choose to make it visible to all or specific players.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Oooh so it does. Thanks!
I keep finding things I didn't know it did too! ;-)

Edited 1385792159
Sheet Author
As a word of caution when using the global "campaign macros" I point you to Gauss's post here . And as another word of caution, if you create a macro intended to be referenced in player abilities or macros. Make sure you actually make it visible to them.... Yeah I just had a a 30 minute troubleshooting session with on of my players... it wasn't pretty.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Thanks for for that link, Samuel. Regarding visibility: i had a similar problem with a player, when I forgot I'd put fog of war on, and was puzzled over her confusion when I was describing map features and she couldn't see them.
Sheet Author
Haha, been there, done that.